The supreme Court says you can just kill them bro
Presidential act
Put the bloated military budget to good use for once.
For once? Are you not familiar with the whole situation in Ukraine?
we’re barely using our military there, as a percentage
I agree we should just straight up bomb the fuck out of Russia and assassinate Putin.
Finally, someone around here speaking my language.
Bare minimum we should be leveraging cyber power if we aren’t going full kinetic.
Fuck Russia.
Counter-point, we should scale our involvement in the whole thing waaaay back and spend that money on things like infrastructure, healthcare, and education.
Yeah. We should be giving them more. But at least we’re giving some.
Guess you don’t know what using the military means. We are financing and supplying them only.
The phrase used was bloated military budget, which definitely includes supplying and financing.
No it doesn’t. Most are government contracts and funding is from congress. A completely different pot from the defense budget. We don’t sell U.S. weapons to foreign countries. We sell them watered down versions.
Wait, so your premise hangs on thinking that synonyms mean different things?
Imagine, for a moment, me waving my hands over my head while bobbling my head back and forth in a syncopated rhythm, as I walk away, muttering. “Oh, but the defense budget isn’t the military budget!” “No, we’re just pretending colloquialisms don’t exist for the purposes of this argument.” “There’s always at least one!”
Five words: I feared for my country
and have a martyr death fueling a potentially even worse successor?
Toss him in prison then. Make it very public, announce that he’s being arrested for treason and cuff him at one of his rallies.
But let’s be real here, the Supreme Court’s ruling only actually applies to the Toupee, since he’s the one who put them there.
There is zero chance that there is not going to be fairly significant violence from Trump’s supporters between November and January.
It will happen, absolutely no matter what.
Either he’s going to lose, in which case they’re going to engage in retaliatory and/or insurrectionary violence, or he’s going to win (or be handed the win by the Supreme Court Rubber-stamping Service), in which case they’re going to engage in celebratory, very enthusiastic and likely officially sanctioned violence.
That’s it. At this point, there is no third option. Trump, in his pathological narcissism and complete lack of empathy or sound reason, has fostered an atmosphere of anger and hatred, and it’s not a question of if it will result in violence and murder, but simply of when and of what specifically will touch it off.
At least trump isn’t the incumbent this time, Biden can let the National Guard deal with them. FAFO
Biden is extraordinarily risk-averse.
When Obama was sending the Seals after Obama, Biden was trying to talk him out of it. I mean look at the bag of cement he appointed as AG. Biden won’t say boo to a goose.
When Obama was sending the Seals after Obama
Third Option: Trump dies this year, and again violence.
Surely someone really wants to impress a 20-something actress.
Trump has (Jodie Foster)ed hate and division
This is why I encourage every other left-wing person I meet to arm themselves, if they have the means. MAGA is already armed to the teeth, so we might as well be. We can’t just be sitting ducks.
or he’s going to win (or be handed the win by the Supreme Court Rubber-stamping Service),
I agree with your comment in general and apologize for what may sound like a bit of a flippant reply, but I actually think what would worry me the most is if it it goes to SCOTUS and they somehow do NOT install Trump. I think the super-faithful deep-state-believers would lose their effing minds at that turn of events - this is where I would expect to see the violence ramping up the fastest.
No. That’s a way better option than a fascist dictator actually gaining power.
Oh for sure, and I wasn’t suggesting otherwise.
I expect a more immediate and flagrant violent event in that case vs the other two though.
Unfortunately, there’s likely some truth to that. In spite of the SC fairly consistently destroying the rule of law to rule on Trump’s behalf, if even one time they rule against him, even on just one ruling that’s so vividly obvious that the otherwise wholly corrupt and compromised SC can’t possibly cobble together an excuse to rule in Trump’s favor, that really is likely to touch off more violence quicker than just about anything else.
We need a landslide for Kamala - Enough to scare at least a few republican SC members out of giving the win to the GoP out of fear of lynching when a bunch of states inevitably refuse to certify results
Then we need to be prepared for an actual attack on the government and pissed off Trumpers killing citizens
Can’t assume anything but worst case and prepare for it as the GoP is in full Hitler’s Nazi Party mode
I would’ve imagine the first step is to get a gun or something
I’m not sure you understand what a revolution is. It doesn’t involve attempting to work within the existing failed system to try to change the system.
Can’t assume anything but worst case and prepare for it
Stock up for a couple months worth of supplies and food. Ensure you have some alternative ways to heat and cook food. Have some self defense strategies/supplies. It is a good idea to prepare for an emergency anyway. Worst case scenario, you are prepared for a natural disaster or power outage or a strike.
Exactly. I encourage you all the buy a gun, because they all already have them.
And after that, we need a revolution. Everyone appointed by Trump will be given the option of resigning office or being relocated to Gitmo. This has not been politics as normal. This has been an attempt to resurrect the late 19th-century spoils system.
We need a landslide for Kamala
Agreed. Kamala had the start of that during/ before the campaign. Like actually great performance. Since/ during the campaign, she’s shifted to the right, focusing mostly on how “good she is for business” and touting Republican endorsements. She refused to engage with the uncommitted movement. Before the convention, her trajectory had her heading into the 50-55% zone by election day. That stalled out with her rightwing shift. She’s on track to lose this election.
How do you say she’s in track to lose. All the data I’ve seen makes me optimistic.
Safety for Democrats is leading in national polling by +10. Kamala isn’t +5. She needs +5 to be break even due to structural issues like the electoral college and voter suppression. Her trajectory prior to, and through the convention supported her getting into the safety range. I think that because of what we’ve seen from the supreme court, this needs to be a blow out. We know republicans will be doing everything they can to steal/ cause chaos and confusion around results/ fail to certify etc. If it isn’t violently clear from a major victory, this thing goes to Trump.
Its delusional to think that Kamala is on track for that kind of major victory, but as with Biden’s performance and likelyhood of winning, self-delusion around their favorite teams ability to actually win seems to be Lemmy’s kink.
538, which goes by electoral votes, has here winning 55 times out of 100. It’s not an overwhelming win for sure and still not much better than a coin toss…but also not “on pace to lose the election.”
538 is meaninglessly bad after Silvers exit. I get that you don’t get it, but if Kamala doesn’t “win by a landslide”, which would be 55% plus in the national aggregate and winning basically all of WI/MI/MN/PA and at least one of AZ/NC/GA by numbers which do not warrant a recount, Republicans win.
They key that you need to understand is that break even, is actually losing badly for Democrats. The deck is literally stacked against them. And its going to be worse this time. Republicans realize that all they need to do is, if it comes down to one state, get that to the supreme court and they win. The Democratic path to victory has to be effectively uncontested/ insurmountable. Anything less and its Bush v Gore all over again.
and at least one of AZ/NC/GA by numbers which do not warrant a recount
That’s the thing: there are no numbers which do not warrant a recount here in Georgia anymore. The MAGA elections board has passed rules that force them to do hand counts (which they can easily fudge to be slightly off), then use that manufactured discrepancy as an excuse to refuse to certify. Even if there are a fucking million more votes for Harris, ratfucking it so that one hand count comes out 1,000,001 and another comes out 1,000,000 will cause them to say “welp, something went wrong and the vote is invalid” and send fucking Trump electors anyway.
So write off GA. Harris has to win Either NC or AZ to make it such that TWO state level results would have to be forced to the SC. Whichever Sunbelt state +1.
It’s hard. “Doing ok” isn’t fucking good enough and the apologists willing to make excuses for Democrats at every turn are the very reason Democrats struggle so hard to do anything legislatively or electorally.
Polls were historically accurate in 2022. To say they are meaningless makes no sense.
I have my concerns about the election for sure. But you claimed she is on pace for losing, the numbers suggest otherwise. Your hand wringing is not a good replacement for actual analysis.
I am 100 not saying the polls are wrong. However 538 completely changed when Nate Silver left. They are a shell of their former self and their models are a joke. No one should be taking them seriously. The weights and polls 538 was including in it’s aggregate has Biden to win when he was polling at 37%.
If you want good polllingnirnmodelinf silver bullets, nates personal project is far superior.
I am 💯 a polls nerd and check my posts for some analysis I’ve done.
Go back to the data on 2020. Biden under performed his polling across the board. He was leading and did win, but not nearly the the margins he should have.
Remember that the GoP is gunning to not certify election results so it goes to a Republican controlled SC that has been shown to be corrupt
I don’t know what the threshold needs to be for the SC to behave, but it needs to be hit, whatever it is
What you just described is basically a statistical tie and worse odds than what 538 (regardless of it no longer being Nate Silver’s original model) gave Hillary to win in 2016.
As I said, it’s not much better than a coin toss. And what you just linked to has trump winning 35% of the time. If you say it is going to go one way 35% of the time and it never goes that way, your models are bad because it should have been 0%.
Ah, goalpost-moving. I should have known.
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Show me how I changed the standard?
You don’t deserve these down votes.
- Hillary lost despite winning the popular vote by a +2% spread
- Biden won with a 4.5% spread in the popular vote
- Obama won by 7% and reelected by ~4%
It’s not just that Democrats need to win big to shut the other side up, they need to win big just to overcome their inherent disadvantage in the electoral college.
With Kamala sitting around 2.2% nationally on average, being within the margin of error of the states she needs to win, and her momentum seemingly stalled for the reasons you listed, Democrats should be worried.
As someone who would vote for her, or just about anyone who is not Donald Trump, I hate this.
Lemmy reacted the same with regards to addressing the reality around Biden’s chances of winning and his obvious failings at being able to turn things around. Moderation have cultivated a toxic culture of radical rejection of any kind of criticism of Democrats. There were bans about it.
However, this condition is not unique to Lemmy. Its symptomatic across corporate/ cable news as well. The inability to accurately and faithfully address your own teams performance is absolutely hampering the left/ Democrats ability to be successful in this election. We need to be more critical of the people supposed to represent us because we need them to be actually capable of winning the election. The stakes are too high to leave entire sections of the actually registered Democratic electorate for Harris to be chasing Republicans (when that strategy has been demonstrated to fail for almost 30 years.
We need Harris to do better, not just because its the moral and right thing to do, but because we abso-fucking-lutely can not afford to lose this election. Don’t hide a candidates weaknesses, bring them up and force them to address them. Force them to become a stronger, more electable candidate. I mean jesus fucking christ, your opponent is a felon and rapist. Harris can’t do better than a 2% spread on DJT? Do fucking better Harris. Stop chasing the fucking Cheney war criminal families endorsement and go apologize to the uncommitted crowd.
You’ve got exceptionally broad powers, King Biden. What are you going to do about it?
He’s going to continue aiding the genocide in Gaza, it’s really his focus.
It’s not, it’s ironically a side issue to both political parties. Which is extremely sad, but reality.
Give it a rest, will ya?
I’m asking the same thing
Wow, so original
Gee, ya think?
He’s even heard reports this Trump guy is a bit mean.
I have an idea, let’s ask Mike Pence 📿
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I don’t doubt there are lots of contingency planning going on, and it’s not always good to make those plans public, but I’d sure feel better knowing there are plans to combat the certain fuckery
Main concern is the “Refuse to certify -> Goes to SC -> SC hands the win to the GoP” type fuckery that could happen. No idea what their plans are for that. Outside of that, I assume there will be a lot of military on standby but not obviously so
SCOTUS better be watching their backs if they pull that shit if Kamala has more than 10% more votes. 10% is a landslide.
She won’t though. She’s barely ahead in polling and with voter suppression this lead disappears. I absolutely guarantee there will be some votes “lost” this time as well.
The number of votes where though?
Leading up to Jan 6th there were weeks of MAGA’s posting openly about their plans across social media, then the day came and it turned out there was zero contingency planning.
The most powerful “intelligence” and surveillance apparatus in history just let it happen… I know this, because I live on the opposite side of the planet, and knew a coup attempt was guaranteed from nothing but reddit links to other social media.
Ya know, I kinda feel the same way, based on specific things said and done by the GOP and their candidates. Well, actually it’s more of a thought, or belief, based on factual evidence.
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Why would they resort to violence after the brutal and crippling wrist slaps the J6ers got?
Surely that was enough to deter anyone from going into extreme fits of political violence!
Stochastic terrorism. That’s what he and Vance are knowingly exercising. That seems like something that should be dealt with, regardless of the political implications. People have died because of Trumps liberal and deliberate use of this form of communication to his batshit legion.
But then again, nothing makes sense any more. The reality that this race is as close as it is sums it all up, I suppose. To quote NOFX, The idiots are taking over.
Republicunts may discover that they have no monopoly on violence.
My greatest fear is that anti-gun liberals don’t have the guts to actually resist fascism when push comes to shove.
I think when it comes to gun ownership, democrats have just as many. They just don’t post lewd gun-fetish pics as frequently.
That and democrat gun owners are well aware that there needs to be regulation and enforcement.
The guns in my closet say otherwise.
Vance couldn’t even bring himself to say Trump lost. So it is clear there won’t be a peaceful transfer of power. No how much respect Dems try to show them.
Time for an official act?
sometimes ya gotta fight for whats right even if youre leaning left.