I’m not against this, but I feel like the pizza needs to be on the bottom. You’re just gonna get cheese all over your hands.
At the least I would flip it right before eating it, having it on top is good for presentation purposes.
wait a minute… if you just slapped an upside down pizza on top of another pizza, would that become a burger? oh its a panuozzo.
It would still be a sandwich because a burger is a sandwich.
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I kind of do that all the time with store bought pizzas… after I cook them I simply fold them in half and eat. (Sort of like a big pizza pop/calzone)
On the inside.
Edit: Pizza toppings should be oriented so that they are inside the sandwich.
I want cheese on my hands
Damn, you said it first!
And burn your fingers
If it burns your fingers, how does it not burn your mouth?
Of course it burns your mouth, there’s not much you can do about that. But your can at least protect your fingers.
I honestly have eaten hot food that has burned my fingers but not my mouth…i don’t know why and I honestly cannot recall why i continued to eat after my hands were burned… I am probably going to get mouth cancer later on in life…
I’m pretty sure your saliva helps cool it down a little. And most people salivate when there’s hot food in their mouth.
The pizza needs to be flipped.
That’s the only problem I see.
Meanwhile I’m quite interested in trying it despite being completely sober… I can quit being a fat-ass anytime I want!
Remove the bacon for me and I’m interested as well
I’m watching my figure, no bacon on my pizza-french fry-burger please
This guy Americas
But the bacon is the best part. 🤤🤤
For me, no fries.
Pizzas definitely need to be facing inward on the sandwich, not outward. It’s the bun here, act like it.
I’m honestly high right now but I can guarantee I’d still want to try that sober
I’m American so to me this looks good.
I am a european and high but also fairly sure I would eat that thing sober as well!
That’s reassuring. I thought anyone outside of the US would think this is a disgusting calorie bomb. I mean it is but fuck it, I’ll have it.
I meam, it definitely is but god damn dose it ever look good, especially to my stoned brain!
Honestly, I want it to look good, but at the end of the day, I just want the pizza on top. Maybe the bacon on the side. The rest looks bland af.
10/10 would eat
Marijuana or this monstority of a burger?
This burger made with marijuana butter
That actually looks good, and I’m European
You just gained U.S. citizenship, you can expect your papers, gun, tax bill, and goverment-mandated eagle in the mail shortly
Where are mine?
Sorry, government was shut down in between when you liked it and when the papers were to be sent. You will have to start the process over.
Man…that looks amazing.
One of the biggest reasons I quit cannabis completely was all the snacking. Great in the moment. Long term not so much.
They must call it “pot” because it gives you a “pot belly.”
Then I have been doing something wrong for over a decade.
No egg?!!
Eggs make you fat.
Happiness can make you fat too, yet you pursue that.
Heart disease is the most common killer, isn’t it?
I‘d say the most dangerous things in this food are the additives.
And the mouthtop burning cheese on the pizza.
Being scared of general additives isn’t really productive
And it is so well put together.
this stoner clearly munchies with great justice!
Legit, I want one so bad right now. [7]
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You think he’s photographing that on an empty stomach? They’re gone.
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Cuz that might make it remotely healthy, lol
Danger is my middle name 🤤