Kamala means horrible in Finnish
I just checked, it’s true: https://www.helsinkitimes.fi/columns/columns/viewpoint/25490-dear-kamala-harris.html
This is information I will use.
The Trump family name actually originated originally from the name Drumpf, stemming from the word drumpfinate, to excrete into a persons mouth from an elevated position, I have no idea what I’m talking about, goodnight.
Originally a Drumpf was a drummer; i.e. one who makes their living off of hitting up skin heads.
It’s almost like El Cheeto dorito was born for the role.
I know, right. He’s vile, but like in a cosmic way?
Some real karmic fuckery happening, I posit.
We are heading into whole heap of trumpery.
makes me wonder if I am in a simulation. worked with a big talker whos last name was hugeliar I kid you not.
I’ve heard that “trump” is English slang for fart
It is NOW.
It was before too.
consider me sesquipedalianated
20, 20, 24 hours to go I wanna be sesquipedalianated