This is going to get a lot of ICE people shot and killed.
A lot of people are going to get shot by both sides.
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
I don’t even think people know about the 4th amendment.
We are one step away from requiring quarters to troops.
Once that line is crossed it’s finally time to get serious!
SCOTUS: Homeland security has presumptive immunity for quartering immigrant catchers in the homes of suspected illegals. We deny plantifs request because they should have contested their anlleged immigrant status with the department of state initially. Dismissed with prejudice.
Remains unclear whether the Trump administration will apply the law in this way.
Uh gestures broadly around
Pretty certain we can assume that it will.
If I saw ICE coming to my door as a minority, I would be shooting. There is no longer a gaurantee you will have a fair case before court, or even a court case at all.
They’ve forced children as young as 6 to defend themselves in court with no right to an attorney, and it’s been going on for years. The right to counsel isn’t applied to immigration cases. It’s truly insane, kangaroo court shit.
If the interpretation that they don’t need a warrant stands, it means that ICE could walk into anybody’s home, abduct their child, accuse them of being an illegal immigrant, do a show trial, and then ship them off to Guantanamo Bay where no press is allowed. Or, for all we know, to Little St. James or anywhere else.
Getting turned into a puddle at home is better than a death camp.
If they “believe” a law gives them some right (to enter a home) then I “believe” I have the right to enter their body with a ballistic projectile.
Well if warrants are off the table now, I guess we just start shooting whenever?
Weird, but whatever. Okay.
Just start dropping hints of illegals at MAGA supporters in stand your ground states.
Why has no one bitch slapped this idiot and pointed out that there has been no declaration of war and the law in question cannot be legally invoked? Honestly, how does this clown keep getting away with this shit?
how does this clown keep getting away with this shit?
A severe case of Lack of Consequences is how.
if law isn’t being enforced, it effectively doesn’t exist
Never been a better time to end the person breaking into your house.
Best case: you kill a terrorist and get off on self defense.
Likely outcome: you eat a dozen bullets and die.
No defense outcome: you get a free flight to a concentration camp in a country you may or may not have ever been to, you suffer, then you die.
That’s not how laws work.
It is now.
For some reason, my ctrl+Z isn’t working. Undo - I want to undo!
Juridical laws aren’t like physical laws. You can change them however you want. There is no any objective limitation.
So laws work the way the master wants them to.
Except this is written law, it’s pretty clear in the constitution. If the state refuses to respect our inalienable rights then the citizens are left with few options on how to respond
All rights are alienable if you don’t believe rights exist
There have already been several rulings against the constitution for places within 100 miles of the border, it’s never been more than a piece of paper and decorum.
Just like the Bible. Cherry pick and intentionally misinterpret to push an agenda.
Not really, I mean any Judge can impart context if either side raises the issue, all the way from the local up to federal. At the Federal level things get into constitutional law, and what exactly constitutes personal freedoms, and anybody subverting the constitution is open to criminal AND civil penalties. That’s how it’s supposed to work at least.
In reality, these assholes are going to try and use this against people before a judge can shoot it down (they can’t preempt it, really). This is another test to try and see where things break, and what they can get away with.
They show up, sweep you away to some hidden prison before anyone can stop them, and before a judge can outright say it’s unconstitutional (like it even needs to be fucking said), and by that time they’ve already done whatever they intended to do.
Well, sort of - the extreme end of that is the sovcit worldview.
ICE is going to regret when those start protecting themselves in their own home.
Probably not as much as the people trying to protect their families. Average household 4-6 people inside? They’ll send 24 then. Double that after the first agent casualty.
You be surprised what a family will do. Also ICE doesn’t have that many agents and there’s more community getting involved where ICE can’t drive down the street. Remember the people have more power.
They don’t have infinite agents. If they start sending one or two dozen agents to arrest one person, rather than the 2-6 they are sending now, that means they will be making less arrests overall.
Given that this would lead to slightly less arrests but significantly more deaths, I’m not sure how this would be considered a win.
- It would lead to significantly less arrests if they needed double or triple the agents to conduct them “safely”.
- More people will die only if agents or their victims start shooting on general principle. In either case, that’s a backslide that isn’t really a consequence of putting more agents on one person.
More people will die only if agents or their victims start shooting on general principle
What do you think is going to happen when dozens of agents start raiding homes without a warrant?
Don’t forget to stock up on hollow points. Breaking their oath to the Constitution is going to have some repercussions
Feds wear body armor. Hollow points greatly decrease penetration power.
checks instance name
So there was a show called The Unit. Decent show. Not great but lots of action. It has Dennis Haybert.
Anyway, there is an episode where they (the delta team) has to secure the president who was running away from a highly armored militia.
His words: head and groin
Again, the show is decent. Recommend a watch to those who are into shows like that.
This reply isn’t related to this thread but just randomly came to mind.
Only if the shooter aims at the body
You should also aim for the body (with your rifle) because, as a real person, your name isn’t John Wick.
what are you talking about. I maxed all the head shot perks.
I wonder if a person with a mouse connected to a robotic arm with a gun would be good at getting head shots.
need some open source project for a firmware to control aim a turret with a mouse.
Preferably a whole contraption that can be assembled with accessible parts
Citizens’ houses too?
How can you know who is in the house it is until you’ve searched to make sure they don’t have an underground railroad type hiding spot?
Twisters gonna twist
There’s no rules anymore. If you find a rule that stops them from protecting the regime or executing the regime’s objectives, they’ll change it. There is no point clinging to any of these written rules. We are slowly entering a war zone. None of the people who could stop this are doing it. I will say this is my own opinion (for now) as a disclaimer… But the way I see it is this: if the military doesn’t turn on trump then it will eventually become the responsibility of the citizens. We’re frogs in boiling water and I am absolutely terrified.
We are slowly entering a war zone
Slowly?! It’s been 60 days since he was inaugurated. This isn’t slow. It’s an abrupt turn into fascism.
If you live within 100 miles of a border…yeah, probably.
I’ve read that they also consider international airports “borders”, but I can’t find anything authoritative saying that. Still, wouldn’t put it past them.
Trump administration lawyers have determined that an 18th-century wartime law the president has invoked to deport suspected members of a Venezuelan gang allows federal agents to enter homes without a warrant, according to people familiar with internal discussions.
His order took aim at Venezuelan citizens 14 or older who belong to the Tren de Aragua gang, and who are not naturalized or lawful permanent residents. “All such alien enemies, wherever found within any territory subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, are subject to summary apprehension,” the proclamation said.
Senior lawyers at the Justice Department view that language, combined with the historical use of the law, to mean that the government does not need a warrant to enter a home or premises to search for people believed to be members of that gang, according to two officials familiar with the new policy.
Wild that a lawyer would take “wherever found” to indicate you can try to find them wherever.