Stupid. This dude has the cleanest dick in the country.
“Eew this penis is too clean to go inside my body” that’s what this whiny bitch sounds like.
No, they totally SHOULD leave. They are clearly too filthy for this CLEAN KING.
I know it’s a joke but if this was a man posting a dildo with the same text he’d get flamed
A shower dildo left there to be found? No… that’d be fuckin weird too
If it was a bar of soap moulded into a cock though we’d probably be seeing a pretty similar post
Rubbing soap on your dick is safe though.
Sticking soap up your snizz is how you get an infection.
Rubbing soap on any part of your body in a way that simulates sex is not “safe”… Especially if that area is your junk.
Edit: when you make a comment of which you can speak on with authority and then a bunch downvotes come because it offended someone’s hypothetical ideal. You guys are worse than /r/the_donald.
Look, if there’s a more subtle cock soap, I’m all ears.
If you’re all ears, how would you propose to use the soap?
You don’t have to propose, you can just keep it casual.