If you can’t see why it’s exponentially worse for a foreign country to illegally gather data from citizens of another country, I don’t know what to tell you.
This is not to excuse it happening from American-based companies either. It’s bad. But china doing it is a whole different level of bad.
it’s even worse if it’s GCHQ gathering it and then just handing it over to the CIA, where the cia gathering it themselves would be illegal, but they use treaties and diplomacy as loopholes to subvert our actual legal protections.
If you can’t see why it’s exponentially worse for a foreign country to illegally gather data from citizens of another country, I don’t know what to tell you.
This is not to excuse it happening from American-based companies either. It’s bad. But china doing it is a whole different level of bad.
it’s even worse if it’s GCHQ gathering it and then just handing it over to the CIA, where the cia gathering it themselves would be illegal, but they use treaties and diplomacy as loopholes to subvert our actual legal protections.
Except that China can just buy it from American companies, mostly because our government won’t do anything to protect our privacy.