Engels is actually quite good, but their dogma seems to fan more about the later anti-communist reactionary vanguard and bourgeois dictatorship bullshit
I don’t even mind that, and regularly attend those kinds of events at local campuses or book stores.
But why have those discussions if you’re just going to ban people who question theory from literally 70 years ago? Times change, and so frank discussions about what to bring into this he future to help with global emancipation isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
But don’t try to tell me that none of these dictators did anything wrong, or that they should be forgiven because other people do bad shit, too.
Is it ml or grad that hosts a Mao reading group on their discord?
Not sure, but
makes you quote from an approved list of communist dogma as part of the application process 😆I am not making that up: https://lemmy.ml/signup
That’s actually hilarious though
That’s something relatively new. And funny.
Patrick, that work is from Engels and marxists.org is a Trotskyist site. Hardly tankie shit
Right, these people are absolutely convinced they know everything but they fail at even basic leftist history.
Holy shit that place is both the joke, and the punchline.
Engels is actually quite good, but their dogma seems to fan more about the later anti-communist reactionary vanguard and bourgeois dictatorship bullshit
I don’t even mind that, and regularly attend those kinds of events at local campuses or book stores.
But why have those discussions if you’re just going to ban people who question theory from literally 70 years ago? Times change, and so frank discussions about what to bring into this he future to help with global emancipation isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
But don’t try to tell me that none of these dictators did anything wrong, or that they should be forgiven because other people do bad shit, too.
They have a discord?
This explains the coordination attacking people who make anti Hamas statements.