Hah, the article was removed https://nypost.com/2024/07/14/us-news/forbes-removes-column-that-asks-if-trump-surviving-shooting-will-appeal-to-black-voters/
The author mentioned Trump attempted to sway black voters after he was indicted on various criminal charges and his mugshot was taken in one of his cases last year.
“Hopefully, being shot doesn’t become a similarly problematic strategy to link Trump with an experience that far too many (not all) Black people have,” part of the column reads.
Seems like it was supposed to be sorta the opposite of what it ended up being.
Oh, so it’s a classic case of ‘any question asked in a headline can just be answered with no’?
Betteridge’s law of headlines
Well I wouldn’t put it past him. He wasn’t shot by the police though.
Link to something less awful than the Post talking about it- https://www.mediaite.com/trump/forbes-deletes-article-asking-whether-trump-surviving-assassination-attempt-will-be-his-next-appeal-to-black-voters/
It was the first result, I’m not otherwise familiar with the site
It’s a right-wing Rupert Murdoch tabloid.
I don’t think it really matters when the point is just the article deletion, at least as long as what they write about is true
It matters for those of us who don’t want to generate revenue for the Murdochs.
Could just not click the link
Sure, but someone might want more information and not want to give revenue to the Murdochs. Why do you care if I provided people an alternate way to get that information?
Shaun Harper
A DEI expert
…i don’t believe you
deleted by creator
I included the name to call them out because they have a bad take and their one-line bio describes a DEI expert. Including the name was not in relation to any assumption in their race or anything else for that matter. But i appreciate the response since i can see how people might be reading between the lines.
deleted by creator
Isn’t it funny how the dei experts end up being the most racist?
No, it’s not. It’s not funny because people end up listening to and following all the drivel they espouse.
DEI expert because his employer keeps sending him to classes
The article writer is an idiot and you may be too. It says nothing about DEI expertise.
This is equivalent to dunking on scientists when a flat earther claims to be a “science expert”.
The screenshot here in this very thread specifically says that they are an expert
I can call myself a Professional Moron Noticer and point to you but that doesn’t make it true or fair.
If you were to buck the odds and say something intelligent in response it would even attack my “expertise” publicly, like a “DEI Expert” saying some racist nonsense in a published article.
“My work has included advising executives on DEI strategy and coaching leaders, as well as designing and delivering high-quality professional learning experiences for employees across all levels. I have published 12 books, over 100 peer-reviewed journal articles and academic papers, and more than 125 essays and op-eds in magazines and newspapers. Foundations have invested $22.2 million into my diversity, equity, and inclusion research, and I have procured an additional $18.5 million for my center at USC.”
This is from the bottom of the article, which can be read in full at https://archive.is/RRfmZ
This man isn’t an obscure nobody, he is a core member of the DEI movement and teaches his brand of thinking to students seeking DEI degrees and other professionals. He is truly representative of the state of the whole thing and you are grasping at straws to deny it. He even brags about how much money it pulls in and how many companies and newspapers he influences.
Are we sure this isn’t satire…? This reads very much like satire to me and I’m too lazy to look up the article to see for myself.
Any back or person of color that votes for Trump needs their head examined. If you think these people are your friends you are in for a ride awaking.
Edit: autocorrect did a number on my comment 😂 I like it and I’m keeping it!
Any person, period. Only extremely wealthy hoarders could make a sane decision to vote for Repubs, and that’s only if they care about short term gains at the expense of the planet.
It’ll be so freaking funny when he wins
For whom? Christofascists can laugh about it for a while, I guess. Less funny when they find out they’re condemning their children to resource wars under a fascist dictatorship on an increasingly inhabitable planet.
I guess they’re sociopaths, they don’t care. Ok, funny for geriatric sociopaths who will be leaving existence too soon to be affected by anything.
For me. The thing is that Trump winning the election isn’t a surprising development, it’s years of democrats not knowing what the hell they are doing and going with a “holier than thou” approach, dismissing anyone who doesn’t immediately vote the same way they do.
Gotcha, you’re an edgy teen who thinks they’ll be sheltered from the consequences of that.
Why wouldn’t I be sheltered from the consequences of that? Lmao
Feel free to crack open a history book.
Back in 2016 I tried explaining this to a Hispanic guy I knew. Single issue voter, second amendment. Dude was a lost cause. Never talked to him again but I doubt anything has changed. Single issue voters tend to be simplistic fucking idiots.
“Or, Mike, take the firearms first and then go to court, because that’s another system. Because a lot of times, by the time you go to court, it takes so long to go to court, to get the due process procedures. I like taking the guns early. Like in this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida, he had a lot of firearms – they saw everything – to go to court would have taken a long time, so you could do exactly what you’re saying, but take the guns first, go through due process second.”
Trump is horrible for second amendment rights.
Try telling his cult that. Those people wouldn’t believe proof if it was shoved in front of their face. They’re the kind of people who wish Jesus but then condemn him for being soft, or ignore the atrocities written therein.
Did you mean rude awakening?
“this is pretty racist”
Yeah, so is he, so it would be on brand. I say 60% chances he will try exactly that before the election.
He already did in the last debate. Remember “taking black jobs”?
No? oh I guess it’s cuz Biden is old…
No, it’s because I’m old and missed the debate and went to sleep instead. In my defense I’m 6h ahead.
Good lord…
“See? We got something in common, you and I. In fact you could say… you could say I’m just like you.”
We know him for his orange tan face, but this new trick he has down his sleeve will shock you…
I have my doubts that many black voters think trump and say:
I know that black voters for Trump exist. But so do bots.
I will always upvote a Red Dwarf reference
Not a lot, but more than you’d think. Something on the order of 15-30% of black voters support him, from my memory.
Biden is winning black voters 64% to 13% in this poll that has a crazy amount of Kennedy voters https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2024/07/11/amid-doubts-about-bidens-mental-sharpness-trump-leads-presidential-race/
But that’s bad because he won 87% to 12% in 2020.
Yes, Biden is winning black voters. But considering Trump’s entire vibe of catering to white supremacists, it’s supposing he has much support at all.
I think you think we’re arguing, but we’re not?
I wasn’t arguing. Just bringing the relevant polling to the table. 30% black support would be a landslide election for a Republican. 13% when he won 12% in 2020 doesn’t even seem worth remarking upon. So I think that’s an important distinction.
Don’t listen to that writer. They are a DEI expert - that’s practically antifa. /s
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One of the first things that came to mind was that he could start walking out to 50 Cent songs at his rallies.
Well if you put it that way, no.
Don’t try to put it another way either.
What’s that even supposed to mean? Huh?
Trump has pretended that his arrest and mugshot increased his support from black electors (implying that it made them relate to him from sharing an experience far too common for them) so it wouldn’t be surprising he would do the same because he got shot (again, considering statistics)
I was pretty certain this would be what the article was about, wondering if a racist might respond to events with racism. Headline just went way too hard on exploiting rage for clicks.
Questioning if trump would try to use it to appeal to Black voters…
Apparently everyone is taking it to mean it would work and calling the author racist?
But there’s a very good chance trump does try this. Because he is racist.
It concerning so many people are confused
That’s the point.
That’s the author’s entire point.
Jesus wept
Jesu Swept
jizz is wet
Java Script
Fuckin yikes!
Forbes: Hey, do you know what do Trump and a black person have in common? If they’re both alive is just because a white person’s bad aim!