When you use a slur, but also proper Grammar, it becomes harder to report.
wow, so surprised. And after it being a complete tool for getting Trump elected too. Flabbergasted, I say.
I had to check if this wasn’t leaopardsatemyface.
Don’t use state media.
Exactly the opposite lesson to take. We need public social media, not corporate social media. We need rights and guarantees, not profit taking and psyops.
I like having a bunch of nonprofits because if one turns bad, I can switch. Your idea will work better if the state becomes controlled by the public.
The first word they did this with was cis. This will keep happening and the attacks will get worse until people act. Leave Twitter
Nazis are sub human and shouldnt have rights
The only good nazi is a dead nazi
Or maybe a grammar nazi… But I’m not sure they count
Nah, they are necessary evil. (grammar ones)
Why do they call everything an “app”?
The app is just the interface, the interface did nothing wrong, the entire platform is cooked.
Tech illiteracy
Also, Windows coined programs as apps, so pretty much any application may now be called app.
IOs application? -> App
VLC mediaplayer? -> App
Console videogame? -> App
Website? -> App
Calculator function on a smartwatch? -> App
The fully hardware-based light sensor that closes the blinds? -> App
My cat running to the bowl when I put new food in? -> Soon to be an App
Potato skins loaded with cheese and bacon? -> App
You wouldn’t download a cat!
There’s an App for that!
jesus christ.
Keep using it! That’ll fix it! It’s like when a company gives you shitty service you keep giving them your business and eventually they’ll give you good service!
That’s how it works, right?
Sometimes you don’t even realize you’re on it. I watched a clip on a news article. I was mildly surprised that the X branding only showed up after I started watching the clip. That clip was fine, it wasn’t even really political. Then it auto played Alex Jones talking about Democrats being traitors and trying to destroy the country.
So when the fuck did they start removing branding on embedded stuff? And then when the fuck did they start trying to auto play videos? And videos from a completely different account and subject matter?
If they’re that shady just visiting the website I don’t even want to think about what their apps are doing.
Not sure how you got away with that… Every single time I have been forced to use Twitter for a video, it has been an awful experience. Their video player is one of the worst modern video players I’ve ever had the displeasure of using. Plus they gate everything behind a login nowadays, so even embedded players in news articles won’t work unless you sign in first. Twitter is rapidly becoming Pinterest for fascists; It grabs content, then walls it behind a login page.
I had the same experience before so my guess is they’re trying new stuff.
That’s not a problem. It’s the interaction and posting that gives them power and content. Simply never interact with the site actively.
As far as trying to kill the site yeah. But it’s a pretty big problem if someone thinks Alex Jones is being endorsed by a reputable news site. And you only know it’s Alex Jones if you know his voice and know to check the corner for an account name.
That’s fair
Yet you continue to use it…
This is what I don’t get, people not migrating from a shit platform. Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, etc.
They all just reach this critical mass where people decide the benefit of everyone else using it outweighs all the negatives of the platform being abusive to its own users
FOMO is incredibly powerful unfortunately.
The important stuff will be reposted on another platform. It’s the whole point of [email protected]
The important stuff to you might not be the important stuff to someone else. And not everything gets reposted.
I’m not saying that’s a good reason to stay on Twitter, but I am saying it’s a big reason people stay.
As soon as Musk bought it I reactivated my long-dormant account so that I could delete it properly, I can’t understand why so many people are using X.
You’re all patrons of the nazi bar, only in this case the nazis bought the bar. Twitter is dead. Migrate to somewhere else like you probably have multiple times before if you’ve been on the Internet for any amount of time.
I still have an account, but I’ve only ever posted 6 times and haven’t deleted it because I don’t wanna jump through the hoops of “sign in to see this content”, also because once and a while I’ll see a linked tweet about a game or artist or something and give it a heart
My advice would be to just block it in an adblocker browser plugin. Even if it only takes two extra clicks it does wonders to get you into the “do I really need to see this” mindset.
I offered to help anyone on Facebook migrate with me to mastodon who wanted to. These are people I’ve known across three towns and five different jobs. I’ve gotten and given leads and references for jobs from and to so many of them, and hope to in the future. That’s the only reason I even still have Facebook. I’m about to completely call it quits and wipe everything off the account and just leave a pinned post on my profile with a link to a mastodon profile with my real name.
I put out the first version of that post while I’m getting my data fully packed up. Not a single response. Not even a like. I mentioned it on a post by an LGBT content creator I’ve kept up with since I worked with her ages ago. She’s been building up a portfolio of reviews of everything from beauty products to sex toys and has actually gotten some pretty interesting brand deals lately. She’d never even heard of mastodon.
These big social media sites are so ingrained in people’s lives in so many different ways. Ultimately you’re right but every time I see a comment like this it gives…
I hate Facebook but I need it for local shit. I don’t use the timeline and I don’t post, but I need it for marketplace and for a locals forum.
I put out the first version of that post while I’m getting my data fully packed up. Not a single response. Not even a like.
I suspect many platforms detect and shadowban content like this, or at least demote it or restrict its visibility. It’s what I would do if I ran an unethical social media platform trying to increase the number of active users.
If you got zero engagement when your friends normally at least drop a thumbs up then that post never showed up on anyone’s feeds.
You just have me the idea to maybe at least poke everyone though. Maybe that will help…
Meh, there are a bajillion other ways to participate in society. Not the same thing at all. I’ve been off Facebook for over fifteen years now and it’s been great. I text or call people, and if they care about me they do the same. Sometimes I even get cards in the mail still. It’s wonderful.
He’s in the upper echelons of government now. No need to pretend anymore
Meta is even worse.
Even people who were/are on the right are noticing it.
Tom Segura isn’t a great guy, but I saw a clip of one of his podcasts where they were talking about Instagram. Any post anyway related to a Black person is just gonna be filled with comments saying the n word.
As fucked up as it is, TikTok appears to be the only big one that’s removed hate speech for a while now. It’s just become incredibly normalized which is why the wealthy keep gobbling up social media.
They want a race war, a culture war, anything to stop 99% of the population from figuring out the 1% have been fighting a class war for decades.
It’s all a distraction to stop people from talking about why billionaires are fucking over everyone else and we’re not stopping it.
Can you elaborate on ‘Tom Segura isn’t a great guy’? I think he’s funny and I’m wondering if there’s something I’m missing.
It’s not like he’s a giant asshole himself…
But he’s friends with Joe Rogan and agrees with him on a lot of stuff. And has said he enjoys “trolling” even about racial issues.
So he’s at best just tolerable of assholes with extremist views, which is why it was notable even he has pointed out how bad social media is getting.
Tom Segura
Went on a tirade talking about “the poors” after he got told to check in his carry-on on a flight
Yeah it’s a platform for racists and friends of racists (also racists).
But don’t be racist towards them tho!
How does this work? It’s filtered but still visible?
I think its hidden with a message that it contains something sensitive and you actively have to click on show to show it. Not sure though as I’m not on Xitter anymore.
Ah that would make sense
She’s a straight up Nazi
… isn’t that the wrong arm?
The guy on the right is mirrored, judging by the text on his shirt. I’m guessing she is, too.
Yeah, I didn’t expect them to understand that they’d have to mirror the image. That’s a bit too complex.
Next stop, a seat in Congress
I have a feeling she takes black cock on the down low and doesn’t tell anyone
That or she goons to it and is ashamed.
Yeah but she’s doing them a favor /s
No shit, I got that from the hard R.
She could also just have been extremely racist.
Let’s keep the distinction. So we can turn the racists against the fascists.
Why would the racists and fascists turn on each other?
I support your optimism but I seriously doubt anyone yelling the N word on Twitter is going to kick a Nazi out of bed for being too authoritarian.
what distinction?
I mean many use the n word between each other so that might be why an auto flag isn’t implemented ?
Not with a hard R they don’t.
If you ban one you also ban the other. The -a is a respelling of -er, basically the same word.
Just admit you’re not American and have never stepped foot in America. Everyone - even the racists! - knows the difference.
Where did you get the idea that i was american ? Etymologically, the -a variant is a respelling of the -er which i believe is the original. This respelling is due to the “ghetto” spelling like gangaster->gangsta, same thing different pronunciation.
… no. Also, white people are not victims of institutional racism. Cracker is, at worst, a mild insult.
Where is there anything to do with white ? I was talking about why n-a/er isn’t banned and how saying -er should be banned while keeping the -a variant doesn’t make sense. I am for freespeech to me nothing should be banned like that, i am by no means advocating for the cracker one.
Oh yeah is that a rule you just invented?
It’s a respelling banning one without banning the other doesn’t make sense…
It only makes no sense if you completely remove any cultural context.
We don’t exist in a vacuum.
People, please stop using twitter. Stop giving your attention and money to terrible people. Some people, like that white lady, are weak-minded and they will never learn.
This — why are people even still there? Get off it, full stop.
If your question wasn’t rhetorical, addiction is one reason I can think of. Folks are tied up in a certain kind of Feed depending on the places they go online, and twitter/facebook are aggressively designed to make you stay, right? It might be as emotionally daunting as a smoker knowing they should quit. idk - I was lucky to not invest any time with those platforms, but I have kicked one addiction and failed to quit others, so I have some sympathy if that’s what’s holding people back.
Another reason is rubbernecking at the car crash. People are still on twitter because it’s where all the drama people/news are talking about IS.
Other than that? Nazis are there to be accellerationists, and internet debate club folks are there to perform civilized discourse (“so someone reading in the future can see that the nazi was wrong”).
If your question was rhetorical, my bad.
When I got banned from Instagram I went through actual withdrawal. I was very upset, I felt cut off from the world and digitally exiled. I still do. If I was desperate enough I could of made another account but after a decade+ with the same account - which got banned for standing up to Nazis and fascists - I gave up. Fuck Zuck. The same happened to me on Reddit too.
The technofascists hate leftists, they shadow ban them, they block their accounts, they ban at the isp level. They are propagandizing millions of people into right wing bullshit and worse.
I don’t have tik tok because I don’t trust China nor an algorithm as addictive as it but there’s a reason it’s being banned in the US: it doesn’t ban leftist content and in fact likely promotes it. Our oligarchs can’t allow that to happen. Class consciousness must be prevented at all costs or they lose their power.
We’re all here commenting on it. It’s part of the outrage feedback loop.
Different people have different levels of tolerance to fecal matter. Some absolutely love the shit.