Similar like that.
Oh yeah, I’ve used this meme format so many times to describe various leftist dynamics
Right? I’m tired of being called a bro dude because I don’t see sexy women in video games anymore, I’m not even a man.
I’m left as fuck, but why can’t I just see some titties during my free time without the people who provide me the titties being called misogynists? There are girls who like girls. Show me the titties.
May I introduce you to the Baldur’s Gate 3 Sex% Speedrun?
Yo we should stop it though. Its part of the reason they can get stuff done and we can’t.
No. Leftie infighting is important. Thats why I’m gonna say Thought Slime is sussy af and actually the most annoying leftist of all time.
Hasn’t the Republican Party been in total disarray since Trump left office?
Lol no way. They are eroding workers rights, putting kids to work on many states, deepening inequality, allowing more oil than ever before to be extracted and burned, financing a genocide… Take your pick. They probably already have a plan drawn up for their next term chairing the executive branch.
And most of the so called " democratic" party in your country (including the president) seem to be helping them out, or letting them do it because they are covertly siding with corporations too. The difference is they are not as outwardly fascistic.
From the perspective of someone from outside the US, their policy towards us is exactly as shitty too.
freedom of thought, but you have to learn to work with people you disagree with slightly or find annoying: left
uniformity of thought, but you are surrounded by bleating sheep and must bleat along: right
It’s always funny when the right start having a lot of infighting because it turns out that “what everyone thinks” turns out to be a personal choice.
It cracks me up how antivaxxers on the right try using the slogan “Lions not sheep”. It reminds me of how Fox News used to call themselves “Fair and Balanced”.
We on the right don’t view uniformity of thought as a positive.
Really? The right around here is burning books, claiming their religious beliefs should be enshrined in laws forced on others, and openly supporting a wannabe dictator while calling anyone in their party who doesn’t agree a ‘Rino’ (Republica in name only). To say nothing of the connection to churches and their ‘flocks’
That is a lot of trying to force viewpoints on others and create a uniform viewpoint
The Left, in unison : we are all free-thinking individuals!
Not like the Right at all.
I mean if someone doesn’t want to put in the energy to performatively come to their own opinion, I still think it’s alright if that opinion isn’t “you know, we SHOULD support the boot that wants to stamp on our faces forever!”
A lot of younger (louder) leftists are not liberal so they enforce uniform thought in their communities and mock liberals.
Leftism is intersectional. So having communities that agree with one another but disagree with others is often the state of things. One community can get more accomplished if they agree internally. Liberals are not leftists.
Majority of people who vote left wing are liberals and most leftwing policy in the west is based in liberal values. It seems to be only a small set of people on the left that are not liberal.
Young people of all generations do not have full brains developed yet, they are basic and self righteous until 27ish
This is confusing. Liberalism isn’t leftwing, it’s right-of-center at best. Most often it’s right-wing economic policies with socially left-wing ineffectual lip service. Especially with how far right the Democrats have trended since the 80s and their adoption of a corporate focused form of third-wayism. There are only a handful of representatives who could even be considered slightly left-of-center progressives.
Liberalism could mean a wide variety of political positions, from left to right.
Tangent, but there’s a lesson with the third way that’s often forgotten.
It worked.
Conservatism was way too popular. The country was just not at a point to go further left, as unfortunate as it was. Reagan ushered in an era of conservative dominance that we’re only just now emerging from.
I will never understand why leftists constantly say you shouldn’t vote. Like, if you can’t even motivate people to do step one do you really think you’re going to motivate them to revolution?
I don’t think people join the right because they are annoyed by leftists, I think they join the right because they see a bunch of people full of hatred and want to join in because of their self-centered misanthropy.
100% they just use being annoyed by leftists to hide their ideological view points. Just wanted to share this cause I thought it was funny.
The Left : The Right is to blame.
The Right : The Left is to blame.
The Plutocrats : Yessss, squabble my pawns, squabble.
It’ll be a cold day in hell before I work with someone that wants people like me removed from all forms of society and/or killed
The Diogens, from outside just vibin: lmao, idiots
huh, who could have thought that political opinions are not strictly binary.
Not conservatives.
That premise is incorrect, though. Conservatives don’t have political opinions. Seriously. Even the GOP platform doesn’t exist anyone. It’s all just culture war nonsense and dog whistles. And their voters know the “traditional values” white person is being erased and discriminated against and they need to stand vigilantly opposed to wokeness… How do they know? Their feelings.
Fucking leftists, they ruined leftism!
I think this comment sections shows quite well just how much Lemmy is a bubble of leftists.
It’s like people insist that only two types of people exists.
Yes, there are those who thinks that there are two types of people exists, and those who don’t.
Not me. I know binary. There are 10 types of people.