They are losing their fucking minds.
I mean, the most manly and masculine thing you can do is exclusively have sex with big, masculine, manly men, right? Having sex with a woman is so emasculating, because you’re enjoying someone’s femininity, and that’s the worst possible thing for a man, so I’ve been told. Therefore, it’s super gay to have sex with women. Be a real man and exclusively have sex with your manly bros.
I’ve heard a stand up routine that was basically this and I’ve been trying to find it again ever since. I find this concept hilarious.
Steve Hughes
“I’m offended”
“I don’t care”
Yes! Thank you! Absolute fantastic bit.
Steve Hughes:
That was actually the ideology of an famous German Nazi from the 80s: Michael Kühnen (German source)
Bonus: he was part of the FAP.
It’s true. The most alpha thing a dude can do if fuckin doing another dude.
Even better if the other dude is a lion.
This sounds like the logic of a philosopher living in a city state in old timey Greece
I can’t be the only one who thinks conservatives’ constant whining about women being “too old to marry” is (for lack of a better term) really pedo coded, right? It’s starting to sound like pattern…
This guy is 43 and he’s saying a 34 year old woman is too old for him. Someone sound an alarm and set out the red flags…
Coded? Can this get more blatend what the actual fuck. This is worse then grab em by the pussy
“ The Wyoming Republican Party circulated an email that included an argument from lobbyists that since minors could get pregnant “marriage MUST remain open to them for the sake of those children.”
Who the fuck ars these lobbiest? Epstein?
Were you trying to say “blatant” and “lobbyists?”
You should see some of my professional work emails where after proof reading multiples i still end up sending sentences with 20% of the words missing.
You can catch me doing that on lemmy too. And i swear that when i re-read myself i see full sentences with nothing missing.
The thing is, have a cognitive communicate deficit, simply thinking about language feels alien and i have to put alot of effort in translating my actual thoughts into characters yall can understand. My inner monologue is a mix mathematics and images, no words.
I had 2 choice
Avoid communicating out of anxiety and stess that people will think less of me because my words (i used to be there)
stop caring and assume that most are smart enough to figure it out and respectful enough not to make it into an issue. (Where i am now)
Those that aren’t smart enough are unlikely to understand some of the importance nuances i do put in language. (Because half the things i need a word for don’t have a known word so its all approximate translations) and those that cant stay respectfull are a bigger problem for society than o’l me.
- Use the built-in spellchecker
Doesn’t work if you need to use more then one language and doesnt account for grammar or missing words. The language i use most often is also a local variation that is rarely supported.
If you do know a way to get one that can detect and adapt across multiple Language i am all ears. Because as much as i try not to care i do wish things where different.
Ai spellcheck does look promising though seems much more capable and dynamic, looking forward to see that progress.
Were you trying to be a pedantic little bitch?
you are going to get downvoted to hell but this made me laugh so take it for what it is
The “successful man” is also great. 99.9% of the ones that say this are losers.
“Middle aged woman” fucking lol
Average lifespan is 77 for women, she’s not far off.
Also I’m middle aged, I’ve never thought of that. I need to go have my midlife crisis now.
“Middle age” has never been about being exactly 50% of the way through the average life span. It’s much less about “how much time you have left” and more about the point where you can’t realistically think of yourself as young anymore. The effects of age become impossible to ignore, compounding, and increasingly obvious.
It’s basically just your 40s-60s. Not the exact midpoint.
It’s better to do it later in life anyway that way you actually have some money to go mad with
Haha what is money?
The effects of age become impossible to ignore, compounding, and increasingly obvious.
Fuck, I was middle aged when I was like 15.
Well that’s a stupid name and they should change it, call it 3/4 aged.
Think of it as being a middle aged woman/man - timer starts when you’re considered a woman/man, so I probably at 18. Then, being “middle aged” actually falls in the 40s-50s.
Shitty time to have to buy a Mazda Miata. But we’re going to need you to go ahead and get one purchased.
I bought mine at 25. Does that mean I’ll be dead by 50?
Bad news. With inflation, it’s not going to be twenty five years for the back half.
I’m sorry. There’s nothing medical science can do for you now.
You will be required to do an engine swap at 36. You will take out the sensible 4 cylinder engine and attempt to cram a straight 6 under the hood. The car will sit in pieces in your garage for years before you eventually sell it for parts when your spouse buys a storage system for their garden tools that will need to go in that space.
Ha, that was my dream car when I was 16! Or an RX7, I think it was called.
The American rotary was/is the RX8. RX7 was banned in the US because it had a left hand drive and emissions regulations. But you might still be able to find one or two floating around
The rotary is kinda cool but there’s not many mechanics that can work on them. So the Miata is probably the smarter choice.
Hmm? No, there were RX7s in the US. Emissions are tough for rotories, but they made it kinda work for a while.
I had an RX8. Loved it, but rotories give up their apex seals eventually. Have a Miata now.
Isn’t it like… 81 years? Europe noises
That’s like 2 years mate
Oh and its 85 down here in Aus and thats with a giant cancer machine in the sky. Skippy noises.
in their neolithic world she should be a grandma by 34
I think we’ve done it, we’ve finally hit “It’s gay to have sex with a woman”.
I think what they’re saying is that having sex with a woman who is vastly more successful than you will ever be in six lifetimes, then that is gay.
Six is incredibly generous. I’d say closer to millions of lifetimes.
Nah. He’s getting that sweet Hy-Vee money.
I think we reached that point a while ago.
The insanity of these statements has escalated pretty rapidly and honestly, none of it surprises me anymore. Everything you do is now gay.
I’m ok with it. If you want to think I’m gay because (insert literally anything here), then fine, I guess I’m gay. I’ll go have gay sex with my very female (with female anatomy and two x chromosomes) wife, and live my happily gay life in peace, thanks.
Being gay, or being called gay, isn’t an insult to me. Only juveniles would find it insulting. You know why? Because juveniles think that being different is bad. I grew up and realized that everyone is different and it’s because of that difference that we, as a species, can survive. Our differences make us strong. So bluntly, call me weird, call me a freak, call me whatever the hell you want, because all you’re saying is that I’m different, and different makes us stronger. I’m proud to be different than my neighbors and coworkers. I think differently than they do. I approach problems differently, I find solutions differently. That’s a good thing.
I’m not always right, and I’m not always the most efficient, and that is because of the differences between me and others. I celebrate that difference and you should too.
Dude, phrasing…
If you want to think I’m gay because (insert literally anything here)
Good point. I guess we’re doing phrasing again?
It’s okay as long as the balls don’t touch
my balls constantly touch each other. Am I gay now?
Yup! Time to head on down to the Y.M.C.A.
Idk if you ever saw or remember The Sopranos. It started late 90s and one of the storylines was about one of the older guys liked going down on the woman he was seeing. Well word got out to the other guys that were part of the family and said it was gay to go down on a woman.
Me and my wife just busted out laughing. Like people really think this? The answer is yes. People think this and are idiots. Pleasing a woman in bed is gay apparently. The older guy ended up breaking up with the woman he liked because he was getting clowned on by the other members of the family.
Same crowd that thinks it’s gay to clean your own ass after pooping (and therefore doesn’t do it).
Touch your penis when you urinate? Believe it or not. Gay.
The Soprano logic, if I understood it ritght, was: if you do that to a woman, you probably would just as easy do that to a man.
But, then again, I’m not an extremely sexist sociopath as Tony was
It is if you’re also a woman
Next make straight sex mean “straight up the butt”
I got curious and looked in to who this guy was. And, well, Owen got banned from most socials after he called Obama the n-word, so OF COURSE Elon had to bring him back so he further share his thought with the world.
I never understood banning people for speech you don’t like. Wouldn’t the logical and entertaining method be to put them on full display, letting themselves be mocked and ridiculed? My take is let the asshats spew their views so we all know who not to associate with.
Nha, give them as little exposure as they can get, that way they don’t corrupt the minds of gullible males who are a 4 but think they deserve a 10 because they can provide.
because they can provide
Most of them can only provide a room in their mom’s basement.
The problem is the network effect.
As other people with these views hear that kind of rhetoric more and more, they come to find it acceptable. Thus pushing even more people to find it acceptable.
This kind of rhetoric should definitely be legal, but it should not be given a platform.
As other people with these views hear that kind of rhetoric more and more, they come to find it acceptable
Wouldn’t others with those views already find them acceptable?
I never understood banning people for speech you don’t like.
Good read. History has shown this to be very true.
It’s only a paradox if you start with the ridiculous presupposition that tolerance is a universal good.
That may work for normal people. Not so much for those unhinged enough to actually hate someone who has different characteristics than them. Unfortunately Twitter is filled with the unhinged.
I never understood banning people for speech you don’t like.
spam is extremely powerful, and is what I would qualify most internet “speech” as being, realistically. seeing 200 different 500 character (at max) comments, that are all variations of the same exact statement isn’t really like, speech, in the conventional sense.
Who would be attracted to this billionaire sex symbol, who’s one of the most successful performers on the planet? Madness, I tell you.
Only a gay man, that’s who!
I straight up do not understand these men all the way down to a practical level.
They’re not that deep. They just spastically babble nonsense, like toddlers.
At least the zoomies are cute and funny
I mean, this isn’t cute, but it’s at least a little funny.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s horrifying for sure, but it’s also pretty funny.
They need to “rationalize” their hate.
I don’t even listen to Taylor Swift but if she wants to have sex with me, I’d be like, ‘ok mommy’.
I’d also wonder wtf is wrong with her
I mean, she could be with a professional athlete instead!
I just want a dinner date so I can ask what demon pact she signed to get her PR team.
I’m nowhere near her target demographic, yet somehow, I wind up knowing about every album drop, high profile concert happening, and so on. I’m actively blocking and avoiding advertising on everything and they still find me. It’s honestly a little concerning.
As an actual middle-aged woman who can’t even name one Taylor Swift song, give me a giant fucking break. She’s rich, famous, appears to have a good head on her shoulders (from what I hear at least), and makes music people really love. This sexist troglodyte is just butthurt that she dares to exist and be successful without his permission, plus he probably wants to bang her. He can fuck right off.
She’s got a good head on her shoulders in two ways
Taylor swift is also hot
Could be good head too. Good head knows no boundaries.
Yep, the only point of being male is spreading that seed. Have to raise the next generation of bootlickers to keep that machine rolling!
/s obviously
Fuck these clowns
Fuck these clowns
Specifically don’t, actually. But the sentiment stands.
Fuck them in a non sexually gratifying way that won’t allow further reproduction.
Fuck them up the ass in the face with a rake.
Yes, lol. I should have specified only metaphorical fucking.
That’s women’s work.
This man speaks like ferengi Andrew Tate
A Ferengi would almost certainly be offended that she’s allowed to wear clothes. I suppose most straight dudes would too. Maybe that guy is gay.
You can just say “Andrew Tate”…
Why do you insult ferengi
s/woman/female hooman/g
This is my new favorite rare insult, cheers!
You, sir, are a poet of our time, with your cutting remarks. I love that so much!
Way better than those filthy Vogons.
Its actually something my friend came up with lol, I’ll forward your complements!
Isn’t that just Andrew Tate?
Calling Taylor Swift a low value woman…
and don’t forget “middle aged”…
They don’t have a mirror at home.
Yeah! Maybe they’re the low value women!
I mean she’s only worth $1.1 billion.
Chump change.
Okay yeah, she’s in the tres commas club, but she’s also dated men, and dating women who have dated men is gay by the transitive property.
That’s six billion Trumps!
Need to bring out this classic:
I bet Owen Benjamin would suck Trumps cock without even needing to be asked twice.
“That’s not gay, it’s patriotic. Our commander-in-chief is tirelessly fighting the LGBT woke groomer leftist virus and if he needs a warm mouth to help him focus, it’s the duty of red blooded Americans to provide one”
You can’t squirm out of anything when you’re not worried about being honest.
He’d argue that it isn’t gay to suck trumps dick
Probably doesn’t even have to be asked once
Owen Benjamin would bend over backwards to please Trump, then call you a cuck for hooking up with the Prom Queen.
“she’s publicly had sex with a ton of guys”
And here I thought all those recent sex tapes were AI
Taylor Swift and I may be the same age, but when did 34 become middle aged? Or has the American lifespan decreased so much that I should expect to die at age 68?
Average life expectancy in the US is only 72, I believe.
Changing subject, ain’t that a bit low btw?
I wonder if America can do anything to their healthcare system to improve it?
Oh wait
It’s just that the mean free path of an American and a random bullet is about 72 years.
When even the rich live in constant fear of going bankrupt after a single visit to a hospital, that tends to happen
I’m not rich and I go to the doctor for any healthcare needs that I have, in America. If you are neglecting your health because of fear of doctor bills, you should not do that. The healthcare system is overpriced but it’s not so overpriced that you should neglect your health.
If you have normal health insurance it should be affordable, and it always has been for everyone I’ve known. Even my family members who’ve had extensive surgeries that were life or death matters got their medical care, and the bills did not bankrupt anyone.
Most Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. They literally cannot afford medical care at all.
I have afforded a minor surgery. Your family members have afforded multiple surgeries. We are privileged.
I guess all the hospitals must be going broke then, since “most Americans” “literally cannot afford medical care at all” right? That would leave them with very few customers to pay medical bills if most Americans can’t afford medical care at all.
Last I checked, it was like 72 for males and 76 for females.
At birth. Someone who’s made it past infancy will have a higher expectancy
I thought infant mortality was not counted in average lifespan calculations. I looked it up and I was wrong. Just in case anyone else was misinformed like me.
Honestly, I don’t like it either. But it does make sense. Some health risk factors change drastically between 30 and 40 (e.g. heart disease, colon cancer), suggesting a kind of dividing line between “my body just does what it’s supposed to” and “what, I have to do extra stuff to survive now?!” A lot of people also change rapidly in physical appearance during this time too, exhibiting profound male pattern baldness, love handles, belly fat, winkles, etc.
30s have always been middle aged lol. It’s not even the start of middle aged.
0-25. 26-50. 51-75.
Most Americans be dying at 75.