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Not for men? If they could figure out how to sell them discretely at his rallies they would be the largest market!
Yeah, stick 'em where the sun don’t shine.
I don’t think the dark side of the moon is interested…
Also, you’d have to move them across the surface on a monthly basis.
Come on, this isn’t real. Sound out that name ‘Mike Oxmall’. Even Moe Sizlak might not fall for this one.
TIL Moe is probably smarter than I am.
Looks like this has been floating around for a few years too
I literally had to say it out loud before I understood 😂
Not for men? I’m gonna buy one and shove it right up my ass. Try to stop me.
This is what “be gay, do crimes” was coined for
Damn should I stop throwing bricks at cop cars then?
Throw some trump dildos at the police. They’ll stop what they’re doing and fight each other over them, giving their victims time to escape.
Damn, I wish I was this smart. Notes that that cops well fight over Trump dildos like zombies to a beeping grenade
Nah, better do a couple more. Just in case.
You should steal one instead.
With the quality of this shit, the head will detach…
Absolutely not weird
These may represent the first time that Trump, or a likeness of Trump, gave sexual pleasure to another human being.
While this is obviously fake, I saw some Trump butt plugs going around at one point.
Yep, when he fucked the US and by extension most of the world.
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Rating: False
A trump store did not sell dildos like this.
Mikeoxmall. Priceless.
Okay, I’m gay as hell but I don’t get this. Something about the pronunciation but…???
“mi k[e]ox mall” is the best that I see, and that’s… D- at best.
Something about the pronunciation but…???
Mike Oxmall is a homophone for “my cock’s small”
Lol, you said homo.
Okay, but if the person who took that picture is a staunch Trump opponent, why did she make a 3D model of a dildo shaped like his head, and more to the point, why did she print so many
Exactly what trump supporters need. Maybe, finally, this will help them understand how much trump is fucking them
Damn NOT for men… my weekend plans are ruined 🥲
They looks like hurt.
They look so cheap too, like the head would peel off after two pumps
Those look fdm-printed.
You do not want to use them as a sex toy- besides the layer’s micrograms housing bacteria that cannot be sterilized, it’s likely to snap off into sharp bits.
They don’t really. They look like they were cast using some of the materials seen in the background. Look at the one flopped over.
¿Porque no Los dos? FDM printed and then cast. Layered and ribbed for his pleasure.
Probably. I have also heard of resin dipping the print before you make the mold to fill in layer lines.
It’s time to start a betting pool against the headline “Trump supporter admitted to ER with shattered effigy of convicted felon lodged in the neck of her womb”
It would make sense that this sex toy injures the user
Not for men, indeed. The base isn’t wide enough, so there’s a risk of suction in the rectum. You don’t want to end up in the emergency room.
Internet . . . can you not, right now?
It’s a meme… fake name and all. Yall as dumb as the the trumpers lol
I didn’t realize we were in the “very real and true political stories” community. It’s a joke not a Trump Dildo…. Don’t take it so hard.
A meme in a meme community you say? Wild…