If someone dumps me on a first date over my phone then so be it. It actually looks like dodging a bullet.
I’d dump you for not knowing the difference between then and than.
SpaceNoodle is the real killer here
On a serious note, Aziz Ansari (Tom Haverford from Parks and Rec) has a pretty good book called Modern Romance that’s worth a read. When he does standup, he’ll have a volunteer from the audience swipe though their Tinder (or Bumble or whatever) matches. The amount of trivial stuff that people dismiss potential partners for is absolutely amazing. People will be like “they’re a Bears fan, swipe left.”
So people could be compatible on 999/1000 different levels, but our methods of online dating almost allow too much choice, because people feel like they should hold out to find someone who matches 1000/1000.
Joke’s on you, that’s basically my only criterion.
Ah, a Packers fan I see.
I don’t get it.
I thought you meant that hating the Chicago Bears was the only thing you were looking for in a partner, so I assumed you were a Green Bay Packers fan.
Oh. No, quite the opposite. That makes me realize I have two criteria: good grammar, and a loathing of sports.
I’m sorry, that’s actually a mistake, fixed it
It’s too late, I already dumped you
So no coach co-op?
No coaching, I expect you to already be trained.
I would love to say “use whatever you like”, but these Apple sycophants are ridiculous. They literally judge people because of the color of a text bubble! It’s like saying “both US political parties are bad”. Like, yeah: one party is flawed, but the other wants to destroy Democracy…
Men, proudly drag that battered and cracked android phone out on the first date, it’s a litmus test for shallow people, apparently.
I went on a first date with a girl I met from work. She farted loud enough to be heard over drunken yelling and music in the steakhouse we were in, immediately after saying “I don’t get embarassed”.
In a couple of weeks, we will have been together for 16 years. We’ve been married for 14 years. We cook together every evening, we hold each other whenever we are in the same room for more than five minutes, and on the rare nights where we aren’t taking each other’s clothes off, we fall asleep wrapped around each other. I would have missed out on a perfect relationship if I had judged her for a phone.
Her origin story:
RIP craigslist personals
In your situation, it had nothing to do with a phone, haha. Swell on you for not judging her though.
Judging someone for a bodily function is just stupid.
I take it with a grain of salt because he’s a humorist, but in Dave Barry Does Japan, his wife tells him at one point, “I heard three farts today. It’s okay here.” I haven’t read that book in decades and I still remember that line because I thought, how nice to live in a place where people don’t hide basic bodily functions.
I’m gonna have to get myself an old android phone I suppose
But you see, you had genders swapped here. It’s OK for a woman to show hers, just don’t show yours (/s, obviously)
/s but not really. Men aren’t supposed to have standards when it comes to women according to many women
Aren’t allowed to have standards…cuz womenz can do absolutely anything and men MUST luuuurve them…right?
the best move is to show your android phone in your profile pics so you don’t get trapped with someone so shallow
Holy shit I’ve got some boomer energy, here:
The reason to not take out your phone isn’t because someone might hate on your phone.
You don’t take out your phone on a date so that you can be giving that person your full attention.
There are lots of reasons for using a smartphone beyond avoiding engaging in conversation though. Looking things up, sharing contact info, planning another date, paying for the meal/event, even going to a movie can almost require an app.
I’m not saying these would be the majority of the time or anything, but not using your phone whatsoever is more of a limitation than you’d think.
People with existing family trying to date, like a single parent checking on their kids. For sure the blanket no phone attitude is unrealistic.
Despite the boomer energy, I’m not actually one.
It’s only been 2 years since my last “first date”. I know the world moves pretty fast, but I’d be shocked to discover that in the last 24 months the world went from “can be traversed without looking at your phone” to not.
I guess I’d turn it around on you: NOT using your phone is NOT as much of a limitation as you’d think.
Also, so many stupid things we do on our phone are things that could be an interaction with your date instead. What WAS that movie with Brendan Fraser with The Rock? Where IS that restaurant with no lights and all the servers are blind? What time is it? What direction is the river from here? What nationality is Santa Claus? How far north would we have to go so that Zombies would be frozen solid for at least 3 months per year? The point of a date is to attempt to form a bond, and it’s the shared journey that gets you there, not the successful and efficient completion of independent tasks.
Obviously, if the only way to pay for the meal is to tap your phone, tap your phone. The PHONE isn’t the enemy. It’s that you’re your own enemy, and that your nervousness and awkwardness is going to try to push you into the comfort of your phone for reasons that you REALLY don’t need to be on your phone for. Embrace the awkwardness and as much as physically possible lean on your date for anything you imagine your phone can do.
Oh, I don’t disagree, people opt-out of being present in favor of their phones far too often. I’m just reminding us of the context of hiding your social, financial, and often legal, sci-fi multi-tool. Reducing usage and eliminating usage can be very different things for many people.
Yeah, that’s my immediate thought as well. Attention is huge.
So how are you paying?
What do you mean?
You pay for your meal via contactless right? So you have to get your phone out.
No one saying they get your phone out in the meal. It’s just if you get your phone out at any point on a first date, they’ll see it right?
I pay with a bag full of small change I got from begging in the street, like all Android users.
Excuse me while I take the expandable memory out of the expandable memory slot on my phone with decent features.
Hey buddy, you got a spare gigabyte?
At a sit-down place, you normally give your card to the waitstaff once they bring the check/receipt. There’s no tap-to-pay terminal they bring to you.
You should not ever let someone take your bank card out of your sight! Where are you where this is accepted!?
That’s the norm in all of the US
Yeah, it’s not great if you think about it, but it’s standard. I’m not here to be a prescriptivist; I’m just describing my experience (and it’s a common one in the US of A).
That’s not how it works everywhere in the world. Most places you just pay with your phone or your card.
My brother in Christ you sound like you’ve never been to a restaurant with waiters. And regardless you also literally just said “Most places you just pay with your phone or your card” after asking how he would pay if he couldn’t use his phone. You literally already know the answer to your own question.
Uh…I pay for stuff with the little plastic card in my wallet, or the greenish pieces of strangely stiff paper.
I haven’t ever set up any kind of payment stuff on my phone and I’ve never had any issue paying for anything.
Card? Cash? I can’t think of the last time I paid with my phone at a sit-down restaurant.
I’ve got some zoomer info for you: We use our phone to check the time
Huh? But what if you need to like…get somewhere? Or pull up some tickets or something?
Well, you could pull up your phone for a short while if you excuse yourself and preferably tell the other person what you’re doing. “Excuse me, I just have to find the tickets on my phone”. This goes for any time you’re talking to another person, btw, not just dates, otherwise you’re being disrespectful to the people around you.
Now tell em to fuck off our lawns!
Let’s face it: If they were that superficial, they wouldn’t have dated me to begin with.
If they are that superficial, you dong want to date them. Use every effective “shitty person” filter you can, as quickly as you can.
deleted by creator
Lol, I’m leaving it
Most superficial part of course
My dong will take whatever it can get
I don’t think I would want to date a woman who cares what phone I use.
I dunno, I think it would be fun to discuss parts of AOSP my date and I are both familiar with.
I’d be willing to date someone with a similar amount of contempt for anything apple to what I have. I’d also be willing to date someone with an interest in the type of phone I use (like a phone enthusiast, though I don’t share that enthusiasm). If she suggests I should root my phone, she’d be a keeper.
Alternate take: Buy an Android phone and use your green bubble to weed trash people out of your life.
Is there a way to get the green bubbles if you use an iPhone?
Yeah, you can disable iMessage in the Messages settings.
The funny thing is a lot of people in Europe do this anyway because imessage is incompatible with everything else, and for some reason no one cares about message bubble color in Europe.
Pro-tip: I stuck a sticker of a large banana on the back of my android.
Everyone’s a fan of a big banana.
I have no mouth and I must scream.
I am no longer a fan of big banana
Who hurt you
Unlike the others, as someone who hates bananas, this is how I perceive all bananas. Except my perception is far worse.
Use your android without concern, any girl that cares about your phone that much can self-curve herself and save you problems down the road.
Counter-suggestion (and this applies to everyone with an Android regardless of gender dating anyone else regardless of gender), do use your Android phone in front of your date because that weeds out psychos who would reject you over not owning their preferred product.
I’m 36, and a disabled veteran. I put that in my tinder profile, cause I know most women are going to hate that I’m not maximizing the selling of my life to capitalism.
I’ve had two chicks match with me just to tell me my profile is shit for including that - Whatevs if you’re gonna swerve me for chillin on a pension let’s get it out of the way instead of wasting my time until work comes up. 🤷
I just now replied to another comment remaking I had never heard of “curve” being used like this. And there are already variants of it? How long has this been a thing?
Idk man I’m ancient in internet years haha. As for “variants” I’d say it’s probably regional, but again hell if I know 😂
Yeah, adopting behaviour to keep something like that in my life doesn’t seem like doing myself a favour.
I accept your counter offer
It’s pretty much imposible to not use your phone these days
These men dodged a bullet.
Better advice: use an android phone to filter out the reactive dipshits.
This is a feature of android, not a bug. If someone is that shallow and can’t consider the possible motivations of using a GASP different phone, they would be a really bad partner.
Exactly, if someone bases their dating on such a stupid reason, imagine what other stupid things they base their life around. Thanks, I’ll pass.
Thought you said AOSP for a hot second. Now there’s an acronym I haven’t seen in a good long time.
If my date can debate AOSP with me… I will feel very privileged indeed!
I think all this tells us is that Katarina here hangs out exclusively with basic bitches
Back in the days, basic bitches would dump you because you didn’t drive a german car. Now they judge you on your phone. Times are hard for everyone it seems.
Seems like they are making it easy…show the phone instantly. When they show distaste for a brand, just leave.
If a woman is that shallow and materialistic then the guy is dodging a bullet. Anyhow, it’s a weird thing to say since “android phone” could mean literally anything from a basic $100 smartphone all the way up to a $50,000 Vertu diamond and white alligator skin. i.e. it could mean the guy is sensible with his money or even more shallow and materialistic than the girl could ever dream to be.
Not to mention stupid and lacking in business sense.
Could mean that he enjoys a near complete lack of privacy, likes to use a samsung web browser, has his life assfucked by Google, likes shovelware, or wants a phone that only gets updates for 3 years. I’d be suspicious too.
Yeah… Or it could be the complete opposite of all that.
Android / AOSP comes in many flavours from Swiss cheese give your life away security to locked down more than any apple device could be. IOS only comes in 1 flavour.
Which flavor do you think your average muppet is using?
The same flavor as apple muppets. The only default option.
Something on par with iOS for usability and security. And as virtuous as everyone claims iOS and Apple are for security they really aren’t that great. It’s clear you’ve drunk the koolaid so I won’t waste my time further.
-sent from degoogled lineage os
Lineage is not about providing a google free version of Android. It does not contain google apps, for licensing reasons, probably also to let the user choose. But it does not go further, all the other stuff like captive portal check, agps, dns etc still uses google servers. It’s not “degoogled” in any way. Love lineage btw but we need to be aware of what it is and isn’t.
Would graphene OS be the answer here then? I’ve been looking around for my new phone lately as I’m trying to do the same. Would it be possible to de-google lineage OS manually or is it just better to pick another OS? Sorry for the questions but I don’t really know where the FOSS android communities are yet so I don’t know where to look for the answers.
I just want to be able to access files on my media server without having to pay 10$ for an app.
LMAO iPhones have those problems but like 10x as much, just replace Google&Samsung with Apple. Imagine not being able to download or use anything that isn’t approved by big daddy Apple.
How did you make it this far in the fediverse?
I’m 100% okay with being rejected for my Android phone. My dick doesn’t fit in women that shallow.