Those calls came after numerous media outlets reported potentially identifying biographical information about the woman, including her job and the neighborhood she called home. Fox News Jesse Watters highlighted the juror’s details while reading through public pool notes about the selected members. “This nurse scares me if I’m Trump,” Watters said.
I think that the mafia uses similar tactics as a part of their defense strategy when on trial.
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I honestly would trust the Mafia in charge over republicans.
At least the mob generally has something that halfway kind of sort of a little bit resembles lines they won’t cross.
The mob is also competent
Were they really though? Like outside out the quick joke people make about mafia vs government were they really that competent? I feel like people have romanticized the mafia a little bit, like historically that doesn’t seem accurate.
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You have to remember that Guliani went after the Italian mob when he was mayor of NYC. But he did not go after the Russian mob. This created a power vacuum that the Russians were happy to fill. So, when we are talking about the GOP, we’re talking the Russian mob, not the Italian one. The former does not have many lines they won’t cross.
fuck at least the Japanese ultra-fasch mob has cool tattoos.
I’m dead fucking serious. If you had to pick that total fucking caricature of a mob boss or Trump to run this country. Hand to fucking god which one do you choose.
Fat Tony without even a fraction of hesitation. It’s actually difficult for me to think of many people, real or fictional, I’d choose Trump over. I’d rather have Skeletor.
I’d rather have Skeletor.
Would make for an interesting watch, seeing his run for the presidency.
He’d be rejected by both parties, though. Too evil for Democrats, not evil enough for Republicans.
Fat Tony isn’t crippled by personality disorders
the only maybes are like biden Hitler netenyahu.I’d choose Mao in a heartbeat. id consider pol pot (and I wear glasses)
Johnny Tightlips as Press Secretary.
I ain’t sayin’ nuthin’.
I mean, Fat Tony actually cares for his people. If everyone were his people, he might actually be a real good guy…
Oh, Fat Tony.
I would choose the protagonist of any of the ‘yakuza’ games over either leading presidential candidate.
I mean, yah? They are written as criminals with hearts of gold.
so you admit that’s better than american presidents?
Shut your God damn month. If I’ve learned anything from Trump it is ‘ask and you shall revieve.’
given “revieve” is not a word, your response is perfect, even if you did make it with your “month”.
If you cared what you said, you wouldn’t have these problems
Ha! Gottem.
I dont even care which one.
When are they gonna use the rico stuff on them like Giuliani did on the mob. Ironic
Fox News committing stochastic terrorism, again?
No no no. This is just witness tampering and obstruction of justice. Oh, and stochastic terrorism, yes. So, yes.
You guys just don’t understand! Any media organization not tampering with the jury pool is just a leftist rag!
Why is there no unbiased news?!?! All I want is an unbiased news source that covers the news conservatives care about - like where I can find these jurors to threaten!
If only there were some kind of fairness doctrine, that forced news organisations to make an honest attempt to report both sides.
Holy shit did Fox News just intimidate a juror in a high profile trial?
Edit - just got to this bit
Other outlets including NBC News, CNN, CBS News, and ABC News also publicized details about the juror, including additional identifying information.
What the fuck? How is this even in the public domain?
I walked by a tv at work today on CNN.
They were literally discussing the profession and reading habits of a juror.
Big ass question mark greyed out female, and a host making the biggest deal over the fact a juror reads NYT.
It’s fucking scary I’d drop the fuck out too. These piranhas are gonna oust any information about you for views. The news is beyond a joke, completely agree with you, how this is public domain and tolerated is more telling to our status as a nation.
This is going to be the delay he wants if the US media goes full OJ here. Which they likely will - some to benefit Trump, all for the views. Juror protection be damned.
Yeah it’s pretty crazy even MSNBC was covering some of their details yesterday, but tried to scale it back today. The reality is this info is being put out on the wires to all press agencies. The real one to blame it the judge for not locking down the procedures or how and what the lawyers can ask.
We’re in the age of facial recognition, you don’t even need to hire a PI to identify jurors. These cases are going to get someone killed even without the goddamn media acting like idiots.
I’d write back to every death threat, informing them of my ready and willingness to do honourable combat, but I do not blame anybody for dropping out under duress.
how is this even public
can’t imagine. anyway…
the state will never be an instrument of justice
Fuck the courts for letting public have access to that info.
Exactly, knowing ahead of time all of this should have been sealed by default. Anytime the defendant/case is this high profile the whole thing should be sealed off to contain this circus.
It doesn’t matter. Trump will literally call them out himself. And nothing will happen when he does.
The system is broken. It is not breaking, it is fucking BROKEN.
It doesn’t sound like it was released.
It seems like stuff from jury selection questions that some court audience members noted. The court already blocked recording.
They remove the audience, but that’s a double-edged sword since no public transparency even for reporters would fuel all of the conspiracy crap and there would be no information available to debunk. This is Trumps wet dream. Being able to spout pure fantasy with nobody to rebut.
Best solution would be for the judge to clamp down to say that he will charge anyone who leaks any jury info with contempt.
The judge may have been anticipating this media circus. Now there’s a clear reason to remove the audience, so it’s safer.
Trump was going to spout lies and nonsense no matter what, and the people who believe him now will believe him no matter what. My money says the judge just wanted an excuse–and we’ll see a complete lockdown with no audience from now on.
Well, they have now made it where the employment and past employment questions stricken from the record and have instructed all media not to report the answers to those portions of the questionnaire. That’s what she felt identified her.
But I agree in spirit.
Why is the press even in the room or present in any way when that information is being discussed
Because generally these things wouldn’t be a problem. Except that trump and his followers have a history of grasping at every straw, defaming anyone they can, and getting people hurt for no good reason.
fuck them for not crucifying these anchors before lunch.
they’re not legitimate and neither are the laws they represent. its just thugs with guns and excuses to shoot.
If the courts don’t immediately arrest and charge this person with juror intimidation/tampering then it’s all over. The fascist mob will figure out who the jurors are and threaten their families en masse because there will be no consequences.
Conservatives will do more than threaten. They are all bloodthirsty pieces of shit.
and they won’t.
At what point does this become jury tampering? Veiled threats should never be taken lightly, especially since Fox is an entertainment organization and not news, as they’ve argued in court previously.
How the fuck is this legal?
If they face no consequences, it’s legal! Ish. Y’know.
Anything that doesn’t have consequences is legal.
There are loads of people who believe this and I think that sometimes folks need to remember that’s reality.
Shithead antisocial people exist - that’s why there must be consequences up to and including violence (if that’s all someone can understand).
what the fuck does any of this have to do with antisocial people?
They could be meaning it in a UK kind of way. They have anti-social behaviour orders and such. Slightly different meaning than someone who doesn’t like people.
The comment was made by one.
someone made a comment with an opinion you dont agree with, so they are automatically “antisocial”?
No, I just made a joke at the expense of someone who jumped straight into suggesting the use of violence. To me, violence is a bit antisocial generally. You’d do great in a comedy club audience.
If it has a financial, is cost of doing business, not illegal at all.
Because the goal is to declare this a mistrial. Break as many rules as possible, get thrown in contempt, etc. Because those will be MUCH smaller penalties/fines and will drag out the clock until after the election.
Whereas grinning and bearing it lets the courts actually try to get some semblance of justice.
Using terrorism to protect a criminal (again). The Republican Party cannot possibly be redeemed.
Can we complain to the FCC or something? This is crazy…
dude, the law will never be on the side of justice. look at the past decade, tell me I’m wrong.
If they get one or two of these Jurors KILLED they’re going to get a VERY STERN letter from the Judge!
All according to plan.
I’ve read that Jury Tampering has a very low bar in New York. Pretty sure Watters just crossed it.
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So 90% of a jury of his peers fucking hate him, and will conclude he did the crime. Oh my God, sounds like he’s going to jail. You really need to keep churning the group until you find the select few who think he’s innocent of a crime? The obviousness says something.
And, no, haters, this is not what jury selection looks like. 10 years as a trial lawyer, and never ONCE were any of my selections broadcast on TV. This shit should illegal.
I’m just a middle aged white guy and I know this isn’t normal because it’s never happened in my life unless the news is talking about jury tampering that already happened.
Watters has alleged without evidence that “liberal activists” are lying to get on the jury, a claim that Trump himself has repeated on Truth Social, potentially violating a gag order.
It’s like they saw Trump, Giuliani and Alex Jones all get absolutely fucked in court for defamation, contemplated their own settlement with Dominion and the 2.7 billion dollar lawsuit pending from Smartmatic, and said to themselves “now seems like a good time to endanger innocent people by spewing inflammatory bullshit.”
Not that I expect them to learn a lesson if they aren’t bankrupted or actually sent to prison.
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That’s why they got him. They want a smug asshole who will make people angry.
Looks like Republican news host Ross from friends
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