"Why are you yelling?” the reporter asked as Trump’s senior adviser refused to clarify the source of information he was spreading about Venezuela’s crime rate.
Trump senior adviser Stephen Miller had an on-camera meltdown after being asked by a journalist to back up questionable claims he was making about Venezuela’s crime rate, video of the episode posted to social media shows.
The four-minute video shows an emotional Miller yelling at NTN24 reporter José María del Pino on Tuesday after del Pino questioned Miller over his claims that Venezuela has become safer than the United States because its convicts are now all in the U.S.
Miller also repeated a since-debunked story that a Venezuelan gang has taken over Colorado apartment complexes.
Genuinely, that’s one of the most impressive examples of a serious journalist being an absolute fucking pitbull on a question, and as a result making the populist idiot spewing racist bile look like a complete imbecile, and laying bare the fact that he’s very obviously trying to push an agenda. Miller even fuckin pivots to MS-13 - an El Salvadoran gang (but all look same amirite /s) - because he realized he’s floundering, and reflexively reaches for more pathos of the “scary Latin people” conservative trope. Truly, this is an incredible interaction to watch. And the expressions of the people in the background are like “wow holy fuck lil’ fascist Stevie is getting OWNED”.
The worst part is the racist cult Miller is performing for will see the interview and ask why the reporter wasn’t as angry as Miller.
Eh. The actual answer to that question is “he’s genuinely good at and cares about his job as a journalist”. Simple as that.
You’re trying to apply logic and values as a reply to a comment saying that those values and logic don’t exist.
That is an answer for reasonable people, and they already know.
He is also making such a bs argument. Does anybody believe that Maduro lets out criminals in the hope that they will cross the Dorian gap to go to the US? That makes no sense. It’s much more likely that those criminals, once let out of prisons, remain in Venezuela.
Seeing his reaction to facts and logic is like watching a cartoon robot’s reaction to a logic bomb.
Whataboutism on display and a beautiful parry back to the question he asked everytime. That reporter should be commended for his tenacity.
Wait? You mean Trump and his gaggle of kleptocrats could have been easily defeated all along if the mainstream media were populated by actual journalists instead of agreeable sycophants who just nod their heads and continue manufacturing consent?
Everyday we’re not talking about Jan 6th because it’s not great for ratings is another day the media failed us.
Hats off to how professionally calm José María kept his voice on the follow up questions, making it clear that Miller was pretending to be outraged. A calm question after an angry rant meant Miller would start quiet again and have to dial his pretend rage back up. You could see Miller catch himself not being angry enough!
Good catch… Then he started getting actually angry, except not about whatever he was whinging about.
Oh fuck, was that a journalist actually doing his job?
I almost forgot what that looks like.
Amazing to see what happens when someone sticks to a line of questioning and doesn’t just move on
And you’ll probably never see that journalist have that kind of access (amongst conservatives) ever again.
If on,y they all did it. Then the conservatives would either get no coverage or have to face actual questions.
I…what? I’ve never seen this happen, and a lot of recent events have me questioning my ability to tell waking from dreaming…
Hard to know if “journalism” exist at all anymore… this could be some random food blogger who got a media pass and accidentally asked a good question… you wouldn’t be able to know the difference.
It exists, you just don’t see it much in the US where corporations run the show.
It also beautifully displayed how fragile they are. Just push them a tiny bit and they go apoplectic that you don’t just swallow their bullshit like their eager sycophants.
Yeah, it’s very easy to set them off and make them lose it by just being consistent and not backing down or following their rambling.
This reporter showed exactly how every question put to them should be handled.
haha - what a dumb insecure little pathetic fuck of a nazi dipshit…
I love the reporter not letting it go so the little manchild is losing it.
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It doesn’t go to Twitter, it goes to an even worse shit hole called X.
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A pile of shit is still a pile of shit no matter how many smiling faces you put on it. 💩
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Steven Miller is a mega-racist pile of hot garbage. I would expect no less.
Reporters just need to do exactly what this guy does… Press them on their “facts.” I love it how badly Miller loses it.
Pee Wee German won’t have a home after November
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It is amazing to me that these assholes will say “thoughts and prayers” or completely deny that things happened when it comes to schoolchildren being murdered in their classrooms, but expect people to be filled with righteous anger when it comes to brown people entering the country. If school shootings are a “fact of life” in America, assuredly immigration is a “fact of life” here…and it is one that has the advantage of being beneficial to the country.
Another thing that irritates me is that these babbling gobs (and particularly this caricaturistic, flanderized bobble head) prevent actual debate around how immigration should function in this country…ensuring that we will continue to be told by the media that there are only two positions on immigration: become a country that nobody new can enter even as we dwindle in population and inventiveness, or have “open borders” that allow absolutely anyone into the country.
I know the reality is that the Democratic party has nuanced positions on asylum and immigration, but the straw man position the Republicans keep insisting Democrats have completely chokes the public discourse to death leaving us continually discussing the two “options”, and thanks I fucking hate it.
It’s disappointing to see a bipartisan bill (this rarely happens) that could have made a difference get killed without making it to the house floor. That seemed like the middle ground solution.
Sadly, Trump is getting exactly what he wanted out of this election. His cornerstone argument is the border and he is literally nothing without it.
I agree. There’s always some middle ground. But these things have a way of being seen as black or white, like we can’t have a gray area in the middle.
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Miller is literally a Nazie. Dude will say anything to kill, enslave, deport, or incarcerate anyone who does not fit his perfect all white Christian America. Anything he says by default is to be scrutinized and shouted down.
It makes me sick that these fuckers have forced me to hate other humans with such vitriol.
I don’t want this…
They hate people for existing, you hate people for their actions and harm done to others… These forms of hate are not the same.
“bOtH siDeS”
Yeah but I don’t want to hate anybody.
That just means you’re normal
Eh… Hard disagree.
Venezuelan gang has taken over Colorado apartment complexes
This doesn’t work like that.
In one of my home-towns, a small one, apartment complexes are ‘managed’ (owned and operated) by known-criminal organizations, and have been for a while. The oft-repeated rumours are this:
- one building is owned by an organization of Italian origin – maybe 20 unit.
- two buildings across the street are run by triads – 4 storeys, perhaps 80 units total
- no mob wants cops snooping around, so one keeps the cops at bay with a very firm, paternal hand on the residents and the building – noise complaints, lights out, the occasional ruckus, and either this old man with an accent or his underling takes two very large ‘witnesses’ for quick investigation. The offender need not fear anything but abrupt eviction with no recourse at most as, again, the building doesn’t want to be the target of investigations or similar unwanted attention.
Mob apartments are very well-run units, and ridiculously safe, in my limited experience.
Had a drug dealer as neighbor, for about a decade. He wasn’t a low level dealer, dude was moving weight. Must have been distributor level.
While I wouldn’t want him as a friend, he was a good neighbor.
He kept his business to himself. Kept an eye on anything suspicious.
Visitors only would have their stereo up once. After that, you’d hear them turn it down when they got to the corner about a block away.
What a little pissbaby
By the way, the “dictators will empty their prisons and send them to our borders” is projection. He’s telling us exactly what he wants to (and very well might) do.
They don’t want to deport criminals. They want more prisoners because prisoners are profitable little slaves.
“Arbeit macht frei” is one of the eternal slogans of those who want to run concentration camps.
If you can’t pound the facts, pound the table…
Buster really went off the deep end after arrested development ended
What do you mean after it ended?
Did you watch the last episode (Netflix, not the original) ?
It’s been a long time, can you give me a hand
Sure, Maybe you’ll get hooked again:
In case you actually needed a refresher:
(spoilers fot the ending of Arrested Developement, obv.)
I turns out that Buster killed Lucile (2).