I find it kinda amazing that they act shocked that Transpeople are arming and antifa is showing up armed when these motherfuckers have been brandishing firearms at their gatherings since literally forever.
“The second amendment is essential to protect against tyranny!”
…Right wing takes over US government and immediately starts attacking and marginalizing trans and other groups…
…trans and others start carrying guns…
“Not like that!”
To conservative white mean, tyranny means having to pay an income tax to support social programs, not being allowed to marry 13 year olds, or the government pushing renewable energy over coal.
To other groups, tyranny has a slightly more real meaning.
I have historically been pretty pro gun control because my life had seen the US generally becoming more socially progressive and supportive of marginalized groups (whether that was truly the case is another question), but the last 5-10 years have me seriously walking back on that stance.
Reminds me of something a friend of mine said to me as a joke.
“Looks like Trans Rights is over, you know what that means?”
and I said
“Fascism is coming for us all and we’re truly fucked?”
She then showed me a picture of a gun and said
“No, that it’s time for Trans Wrongs”
It was so badass that I never forgot it.
I give this the usual “I don’t condone violence, but if anyone fucks around they deserve to find out…”
“Show kindness, be patient, but take no shit.”
Every minority should be armed
Make it clear to every Trump supporter that their fascist rhetoric leads to us shooting them in self defense.
Tell them to snap out of it and confront reality when they clutch pearls about you fighting back.
I fully support anyone and everyone being armed. It’s a shame we can’t have them here in the Netherlands, but I’m very pro-self defense and self reliance. The government will only protect you so far, if that. And an armed group is much less likely to get fucked with.
I support gays with AK’s, queers with auto sears, transfems with FN’s and everyone else who feels the need to protect themselves and each other.
I’m pretty anti-gun despite being on the left, but I think I’ve seen this person at protests before and if anyone’s gonna have a gun I’d prefer it be them over anyone else.
Sweet. Sounds based. Let’s do more of this.
Its time to make good on those death threats Chaya keeps getting
I can tell they mean it negatively, but they make it sound like a great time to join the protest.
Being Madison, it could go either way. The Capitol is very lefty, but there’s hillbilly farmland 20 minutes outside town.
That’s basically every metropolitan city in the US.
45 minutes outside of DC you’ll find plenty of MAGA mouthbreathers who directly benefit from their proximity, but who never see the irony of their opinions.
This bitch loved it when armed people showed up at a library.
I love the irony here but this is 100% meant to bait counter protestors with guns to show up to the next one, especially in Wisconsin, and especially with the current administration that has no problem holding a double-standard (liberal protestors with guns are dangerous, conservative protestors with guns are patriots).
Leftists don’t have the same privilege as white conservatives do walking around with an open carry. I hope anyone bringing their firearm to a protest understands the risks involved and is ready/willing to use it if things escalate.
Is it meant to bait counter protestors or is it in anticipation of armed counter protestors to show up to the first one already?
At the end of the day it doesnt matter that much. If there is someone starting to shoot at the crowd, being in a crowd is bad. Being completely defenseless in a crowd is worse.
Nono, i mean LoT posting this picture, not the protestor carrying the gun
Everything that account does is stochastic terrorism
I remember when conservatives turned against guns because the Black Panthers armed themselves against racists
That’s when American gun control began in earnest. Like many things, the authoritarian approach is rooted in racism.
The Black Panthers and the insuing riots after the murder of MLK got blacks the right to vote. And led to the first sensible gun laws in US history.
Nothing meaningfully improves until the rich fear for their lives.
This is a historical fact for our Republic
Ugh. I still hate guns. Guns kill people and the US obsession with them will never make sense to me.
But at this point it’s probably good that it’s not only the supporters if the lunatic fascist oligarchy that are armed. It hurts to admit, but I’d rather see a Nazi shot dead than a decent human being. Heck, if I were in the US I might learn how to shoot a gun at this point.
Ugh. I still hate guns. And that is why they will continue to win.
Ugh. I still hate guns. Guns kill people and the US obsession with them will never make sense to me.
I hate it too, but not because I don’t understand it, but because I do.
Americans are children, they are ruled by their action hero fantasies more than practicality. You can tell that they have such a mindset because they fear going without a weapon more than going without a medic. Only Barbarians and Children do that.
I say this as an American who has to deal with these kinds of people on a daily basis.
I hate spatulas but the fact remains that eggs have to be turned
I hate nukes but the lesson of the 21st century has definitely been “get nukes and never give them up”
Yes, in fact I saw a Youtube video about that recently https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
Marx said workers should be armed. That sentiment didn’t come out of nowhere; shit like this is the reason why.
Marx died around the time that automatic firearms became a thing. For fighting tyranny bolt actions are solid. For mass murdering defenseless children, automatic weapons are more suited.
On the other hand if Marx had witnessed modern surveillance capitalism, he might had advocated for everyone to own automatic grenade launchers…
People: please do not carry an AK. Just get an AR. ARs have interchangeable parts, ammunition is cheap, and aside from Bear Creek Arsenal, they’re going to just work. AKs require significant hand fitting and there’s no single standard, ammunition prices have risen sharply since the cheap milsurp ammo flow got cut off, and at the cheaper end they tend to be dangerous to the user. Yes, I know that AKs have a reputation got working in adverse conditions, but that reputation dates to the Vietnam war, when the AR was a new platform; modern ARs are far, far more reliable and accurate than an AK.
You can still get an AK for fun, but don’t don’t treat it like your serious gun.
I have a buddy who did gun repairs, he fucking hates AR-15s. If you want a gun that ticks all the boxes, get a 12 gauge shotgun. It’s a cheap, widely available platform that has cheap and widely available ammo, it just fucking works, it’s easy to care for, easy to use, pretty standard maintenance, and will kill what you need it to. They’re lethal much further out than video games imply, because otherwise they’d completely wreck the balance of the game.
Edit: I asked him for his specific beef with ARs, this was his response.
They’re a bitch to clean. There’s lots of places that need to be cleaned that can’t be reached easily, tons of little pockets and grooves you can’t get into; requires a dental pick, star shaped cleaning patches, and a shit load of cotton swabs to get through.
If it’s locked up, you can’t knock on the charging handle or emergency kick the charging handle to clear it. You will not be able to field strip this rifle if it’s jammed out of battery.
Aluminum gas blocks are apparently very popular, and they will corrode to failure at the gas tube port.
The extractor pin will often shatter in place, which causes intermittent failure while not looking wrong unless you know what you’re looking for.
If you want a gun that ticks all the boxes, get a 12 gauge shotgun. It’s a cheap, widely available platform that has cheap and widely available ammo, it just fucking works, it’s easy to care for, easy to use, pretty standard maintenance, and will kill what you need it to. They’re lethal much further out than video games imply, because otherwise they’d completely wreck the balance of the game.
Yeah, with a 12 gauge shell of 00 buckshot, every pull of the trigger is almost like mag dumping a 9mm handgun in that direction. Very destructive very quickly at indoor distances, a little bit of wiggle room with the aiming m, and less risk of overpenetration than something like a rifle or a big caliber handgun.
A 12 gauge pump shotgun is actually the only firearm in my house(in the US), and I got it over 30 years ago. I kind of want to get a 9mm handgun, but it doesn’t feel like an immediate need given the shotgun.
They’re a bitch to clean.
No they’re not. They tear down easily without tools. I can’t think of a part that can’t be cleaned easily. Maybe the gas tube?
If it’s locked up, you can’t knock on the charging handle
There’s a button called a forward assist for that specific purpose.
Aluminum gas blocks…
Milspec blocks are not aluminum, he’s complaining about after-market, non-standard mods.
The extractor pin will often shatter in place,
I’ve seen this on cheap BCGs. It’s annoying, but it’s easily fixable and won’t render the gun useless. You’ll just have to manually clear it.
Thanks for the context. I was never interested in owning an AR myself, not to mention that it seems to me like they’re way overpriced due to a lot of them being glam guns. He did it for a living for years, so I took him at his word.
No problem. As an owner of a fully-custom glam gun, I recommend building a shitty one first to learn what breaks and what doesn’t.
Your buddy may have an unfounded bias against them, as AR-15’s are in general extremely reliable, and don’t require much maintainence or cleaning for the most part, especially since most people don’t practice all that much.
A shotgun is a great choice for defense though, and often is a better choice than an AR.
I only clean mine because it’s white. It would run forever shooting the filthy, cheap ammo I buy.
I understand some people might look away from the AR-15 because it’s the gun everyone has which takes away from the cool factor, or maybe you just dislike its connotation due to high use among right-wing folk, but this person speaks the truth.
AR-15s are common because they work. Customizations and spare parts are cheap, effective, and widely available. So are good magazines, which are typically a shockingly difficult part to design well and the place where many otherwise decent guns fail. .223 Remington has one of most varied supplies of ammunition on the market, beaten only by things like 12 gauge.
Don’t buy weird shit until you own one of these (or at least a pump-action 12 gauge ffs).
Nobody cared about the ar-15 unyil it got banned snd then unbanned.
No lie! They’ve been available to civilians since the 60s. They weren’t popular because they’re not the best in any particular class. But they’re easy and don’t kick.
Plus ARs are cheaper.
That too.
I think that I originally paid about $550 for my S&W M&P 15 Sport 2 (although not many parts are original anymore); you can get a perfectly serviceable Palmetto State Armory AR-15 for $450. An AK is likely going to start at around $700.
As someone much more clever than I said, the real transgender AK is the AR that’s chambered in7.62x39mm.
This is such a weird take. AKs also ‘just work’, most people will never have to hand-fit anything on an AK, and ammo prices for AK are at parity with ammo prices for AR. The cheapest end of anything can be dangerous to the user, so again that’s another non-point. The majority of people aren’t going to see a major functional difference between the two, it comes down to personal preference.
The gun you’re actually describing is the AR-10
That is awesome. I have always felt pretty real sure that Guthrie’s guitar has never actually killed fascists
I don’t think he was claiming to have literally beaten a fascist to death with a guitar, but you never know with that guy.
You never know, could be a decent blunt instrument