Continuing in personally attacking Engoron, he raged, "He’s an out of control ‘Nut Job,’ who fined me $10,000 over a ridiculous Gag Order
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Violations of gag orders and contempt always feel infuriatingly “gradual” because usually people just STFU after the first one. Trump (as we all know) doesn’t have the self control normal asshole defendants have. Give it another gag violation and this moron is gonna spend the night in jail, then we all get to see him without his daily hair routine. That shit scares him more than anything.
Once Chutkan’s gag goes back into effect, he’ll be in jail quickly unless Kise or Lauro actually manage to get through his thick skull with an air hammer.
E: Also getting the idea that Engoron is patient enough not to expand the gag order (yet, anyway) because he knows he’s already effectively ended the Trump organization. Trump’s business “empire” is basically a dead man walking already.
In NY.
A short stay in jail won’t break Donnie. It will energize his followers, and we’ll have to hear them comparing him to Mandela and MLK for the next century.
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All his followers look in the mirror every morning. He is their ego projected. They will feel rage vicariously as if they were the ones being robbed of their dignity and dig in further.
Sounds hilarious.
More seriously, these people are lost. There is little purpose in trying to convert them, anyone hanging onto Trump now is either so incredibly ignorant we should just try to stem their paint-chip eating habit, so stupid they shouldn’t be allowed to order appetizers unsupervised, or basically just fantastically bad, as in “I don’t care if the world burns as long as I make a tidy sum before we collectively have to close up shop.”
I’ve taken to publically shaming my maga family members into temporary Facebook silence. It’s cathartic after a particularly frustrating work day.
They always bounce back to their old form after not-too-long, which just provides another opportunity to catharticallly wail on them.
“These people” are a fairly large percent of the country. Certainly enough to get him elected again. Wailing about them being lost, ignorant, and stupid doesn’t change that fact. Ignore them at your own peril.
It’s not that they’re a particularly large portion of the country, it’s that they have outsized power thanks to the electoral college and it’s easier to disenfranchise dem voters. I’m not wailing about them, so much as stating fact. If 4 years of the chaos of Trump, cozying up to dictators, the million+ dead from COVID that didn’t need to happen, the complete tanking of the economy and causing rampant inflation, an attempted coup/insurrection, many of his own staff saying he’s not fit, Fox News turning against him (privately, but those texts all got released, thanks Dominion), a rape conviction, a fraud conviction, him spilling military secrets on tape, him stealing and attempting to hide classified docs, and now the likelihood that he’s going to likely be jailed or under house arrest while trying to campaign for president, if all of that isn’t enough to convince someone to not vote for Trump, what will?
The point of the comment was essentially don’t bother with these people, the only answer is to vote dem in '24, and get as many people as you can to do the same. Things are stacked towards Republicans by nature of the system, you can ignore trying to change these people’s minds because idk anything will at this point, but you can’t sit it out or not vote dem this time around.
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I thought obama was the antichrist apparent
And clinton
And the other clin - no wait she was pedo queen
I remember many years ago - while Clinton was still president - some idiot I knew said Hillary Clinton was the anti-christ and I started listing all of the people over the years they’d called the anti-christ at various times, then I asked them, ‘doesn’t the Bible say the anti-christ would be beloved by the masses?’
They replied with, ‘well…maybe’.
I said, ‘it does, and if you actually read that book you’d know that.’
These people are just children, not credible adults, walking around saying idiotic nonsense and we need to start calling them out until they shut the fuck up in shame.
He already compared himself to Mandela.
The guy who can’t stand it when somebody says no to him, spending s night in jail? He’d absolutely blow up
If I were the judge I’d give him a pass on the jail time if he submits to a impartial medical exam to show if he is fit to spend time incarcerated.
Win/win. He can’t run for office if he’s too old and feeble to spend a night on a hard cot.
Is there’s a provision preventing someone from running from president just because they are old or ill?
Then why’d you say the thing?
as his followers go, he even might compare himself to good ol’ Adolf and the maga crowd will cheer…
I hope that doesn’t deter people from wanting him punished, because that fact alone shows why punishment is so important. It’s about something greater than the provincial minds of petty little men who only care about themselves. It’s about ensuring reality does not work in their favor. It’s about creating the just world.
A just world like Pala from aldous Huxleys:The island? Good read, highly recommended if you share the same mindset as me. Which, although not quite as far along the journey as me, you seem to.
Oh well. Still, do it.
And don’t you guys have like… rich people jail in the states? Where he can play golf n shit?
He also called James a racist again so I see a $25k fine coming Monday
Nah, James isn’t court staff. The judge already said. Otherwise trumps peekaboo comment would have been 20k I think.
Just read in the news that Afroman calling a cop a lesbian was proceeding to trial for the emotional damage caused, yet trump can say these things without consequence?!
well cops are a protected class above judges, i’m pretty sure that’s in the bible somewhere
Nah, for some reason this defendant gets to trash the judges all he wants, no consequences.
He’s never ever going to get contempt of court.
“some reason” being the “first amendment”.
You try it and see how far the 1st amendment gets you. Most defendants don’t get to trash the judge with no consequences.
[citation needed]
People keep saying this but from what I can tell “gag orders” aren’t common.
They’re not common but they’re also not rare. More often, defendants are not incredibly corrupt loudmouth morons, don’t have any public following, or are in jail, and it’s not needed.
You know that a gag order is a specific restriction on free speech that courts can issue, right? That’s literally what they are for.
The gag order doesn’t apply to Judge Engoron. Both he and Judge Chutkan in the DC case specifically exempted themselves from being covered by their respective gag orders. The logic is that the 1st Amendment protects criticism of federal judges. He can’t, however, threaten federal judges, so it’ll be interesting to see how far he pushes it. Unfortunately, in the past he’s shown a surprising amount of restraint in skating just up to the line, but not actually crossing it.
They don’t allow a judge to declare whatever they want. Trump is appealing one of his gag orders and will likely be successful in part.
Judges can’t simply do whatever they want.
Gag orders on indicted felons who can’t shut up are extremely common. He isn’t likely to prevail on that.
They can’t stop him from saying just anything, gag orders need to be narrow and serve a justice purpose.
That’s why part of the gag is likely to be changed as its overly broad.
They haven’t prevented him from saying anything. They prevent him from attacking witnesses and court employees which is well within scope of a gag order.
“Congress shall make no law…”.
This is the judiciary: different branch of government.
The executive could also issue an order that restricts free speech and not violate the first amendment.
The court cannot violate the freedom of speech willy nilly. It must serve the purpose of justice being served.
I sure do hate his usage of ‘quotation marks’ and Capital Letters.
Well how else would “you” know what the Big Important Words were?
He’s allowed to go after the judge, just not the judge’s staff
It’s actually illegal to threaten a federal judge whether you have a gag order or not, but yeah, this falls short of that. He needs to be very careful about “going after a judge”, which isn’t advice that most people need to hear, but here we are.
Hopping onto social media to bash the guy that decides the future of your entire business empire is a really bold choice
It makes his base believe all of this is a total fraud, Dump knows he’s guilty and is fucked. His only recourse will be angering his base enough to attack the courts.
I hate even reading the deranged stupid shit that he has to say. So glad we don’t have to hear it every day anymore.
I left it to better people than I to do the work of reading and listening to him.
A grateful nation thanks them for their service and sacrifice 🫡🙏🇺🇸
I’ll feel better when (if - but trying not to put that energy out there) his makeup-less, 17in sideburns out, bald ass top, is in a mugshot for something beyond Contemp. I’ll take contempt, as a start, but when that real one drops, wooooweeee!!!
Just something, anything. Any sort of real consequence. Somehow something that he can’t fund raise off and whine about and attack the process and his political opponents. The problem is now matter how obviously dead guilty he is, he will deny it and there are millions of people stupid enough and media sufficiently corrupt that they will too.
I want him to blow his top like a cartoon where his face gets red, steam comes out of his ears, and the toupee flies a foot straight up into the air
That seems weirdly concise for him (to have typed). I wonder if he’s got some publicist taking dictation.
I think at this point he definitely dictates to some lackey (and you know that guy wears a bowtie) who takes his word salad and turns it onto something vaguely comprehensible.
Other than Tucker, what’s wrong with bow ties?
Please, cry more Donald. It brightens my day and I really need it
Turns our his tears were the fountain of youth all along. It rejuvenates us mind, body, and soul.
That’s some serious copium he’s got there. I wonder how the magoos are dealing with this kind of crying from little d. Are they crying just as hard?
They don’t understand it. It will just be “yay he won!” Or “they cheated to win!”.
He’s not allowed to go after the law clerk so he’s dumping everything he’s got on the judge
The judge sounds like a rational human then. Thanks for confirming that everything is in order, Donald.
I do concede that I didn’t read the complete “statement” because I phased out around halfway through this unhinged rant tho.
Case over you guys!
Everyone has to stop being mean to me now.
You’re late enough to the party that idk if this will get the appreciation I think it deserves. So Thank you for making me laugh I genuinely enjoyed your comment when a lot of the political jokes are tired repeated things.
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With a steam train horn sound in the background.
Alright Ivanka. This… THIS is your time to fucking shine.
Step up, be brutally honest. Sell that fucker out. Make a few clever remarks about him being a person who’s too stupid to zip tie themselves and apologize for ever being near him.
Save yourself. Go full scorched earth on his ass.
She won’t. She’s almost as corrupt as her father. Don’t forget, it’s her husband Jared Kushner who accepted a 2 billion dollar investment from MBS.
Also, if she testifies truthfully, she’ll be admitting to her own crimes, and to other things that will cost her real money. For example, one of the things she’s going to testify about in this trial is how her father gave her several properties, but the properties were appraised using Donald’s ridiculous appraisal logic, so that she would pay less in taxes. If she is honest, the IRS will be after her immediately.
By the way, there’s a chance that she could have gotten out of this without testifying in open court, but her lawyers amateurishly missed doing anything by the deadline. And if you remember, Trump wanted a jury trial for this case, but his lawyer forgot to ask for one, so they got a bench trial, instead.
This kind of shit would be absolutely hilarious if there wasn’t some chance that he’d become President again. This guy thinks he surrounds himself with “the best people”, but all he can find are people who make elementary mistakes.
And the US President’s biggest influence on the country is through his appointees. He actually has a few decent lawyers working for him now, but when the chips are down, he relies on these types of people, probably because they kissed his ass more, or swore allegiance to him or something.
I mean, they didn’t forget to ask, they straight up filled out the form saying, “bench trial, please”.
I have seen the form (but I think not the actual filled out forms for this case), and my memory is that it has a check box to request “jury trial”, and a check box to request “bench trial”.
As I recall, on the DA’s form, they checked the box for “bench trial”, while on defendant Trump’s form, they didn’t check any box at all, which is also technically a valid way to fill out the form, but if a defendant does that, they will usually get a bench trial.
So, through incompetence, Trump’s attorney’s form was essentially asking for a bench trial, but it wasn’t specifically filled out asking for a bench trial.
Wouldn’t surprise me if she’s just asked questions like “what was X appraised for when your father sold it?” In order to show a pattern of this happening over and over. Of course the DA likely has the information already and a paper trail that shows she knows the answer.
Once that foundation is set then bring in multiple independent experts to testify on the true appraised values.
My understanding of the criminal justice system is that the prosecuting attorney (or really, any attorney will only ask a question they know the answer to.
The “best people” are the ones that commit crimes and then fall on their sword for you. They’re even bester when they don’t complain about you when you refuse to pay for their legal defense.
Absolutely no argument there, and a good reminder of who she is.
I got pretty good at ignoring her shit with many others in the “entitled moron” classification, and not being on X or truth and such, I forget that yeah, she is just as guilty as her piece of shit genetic donor.
Ivanka doing all that? Have you seen her tweets and statements? She’s all in for her father.
The most honest thing I think I’ve seen her say was in Born Rich:
I remember once my father and I were walking down Fifth Avenue and there was a homeless person sitting right outside of Trump Tower and I remember my father pointing to him and saying, ‘You know, that guy has $8 billion more than me,’ because he was in such extreme debt at that point, you know?
That’s where i gotta admit, I’ve seen little from her, and it’s largely because i don’t go on X or Truth and largely ignore folks like her.
So yeah. There goes my idea. Ultimatly i hope she just fucks off into nowhere after all of this. or better yet, if she doesn’t turn, prison.
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Who’s the top?
Hunter Biden. Trump has seen the pics.
It still cracks me up how often the qtards would reference the nudes on the hard drive, oops, I mean, “laptop”. Many theoretically cishet men are quite obsessed with those nudes. Hm.
It seems Marge was especially interested in those nudes, too.
Biggest smile I’ve had this morning. Thanks!
He’s power-bottom
Lock him the fuck up.
Wow, it’s almost like being a massive asshole makes people hate you. What are the odds?
also, being a flagrant criminal makes a judge impose restrictions and punishments while acting not too happy about your behavior. In fact, it’s their job.
Do you think, in his entire long, miserable life… He has EVER, and just a single time would count here, has he EVER accepted fault for anything? Has he ever said something like,
“This person has a point, I was wrong here”
Ever, even just once, for any reason, like “this person was ahead of me in line actually”…
No? He hasn’t?
Well then how do you take ANYTHING he says seriously? Every other person you admire makes little mistakes Mr. tump voter, so genuinely, how can you take him seriously?
I ready Mary’s book. He does not. Never once. His dad always bailed him out. And I suspect he believes his dad will somehow arise from the dead and bail him out even now.
The average trump voter probably suffers from the same inability to feel loved enough too which is probably why they are drinking his koolaid.
Most of his behavior I’ve been reading about sounds exactly like a toddler acting out having a tantrum testing the limits of what they can get away with, so I doubt it.
has he EVER accepted fault for anything?
Not possible, unfortunately. If you read Mary Trunp’s book it shows how he was abused and never shown love during his formative childhood years. This doesn’t excuse him being a giant piece of shit, because other people who’ve gone through worse have turned out better. But without either therapy, some modicum of intelligence, or at least a desire for change he’ll be stuck being a narcissist who can’t understand any emotions deeper than what children feel until he croaks.
it was his brother, Fred, who was not shown any love and compared constantly to Donald. Donald was the golden boy. And even then Donald still felt he was not shown enough love. Hence the point ‘too much is never enough’ as the title of that book.
Golden boy or not, his father was a narcissist incapable of showing love and his mother was largely checked out of caring for her kids.
Does he have a current gag order that this is violating? Because that would just be super.
Even if he was it would just be another fine that he can dig out of his couch cushions like the last two. He will never see the inside of a jail cell.
I would love nothing more than to be wrong.
I’m happy for the fines to pile up. Liable for rape, fraud, violating gag orders, just let everything get real cumulative.
The fact that he’s even undergoing all of these lawsuits is great, nobody even thought he would be in court once, and now he’s facing multiple civil lawsuits and at least two criminal trials.
Well, he sounds angry about the 10k, so that’s something.
Is this guy legit going to have a heart attack live on stage whilst ranting spurious nonense?
This would be a great Xmas present to all of America.
The best present would be him dying of old age in prison. But yours is actually likely to happen.
I’d settle for him doing an R. Budd Dwyer impersonation.
Don’t. Don’t give us hope.
If he does, his fans will blame Jewish space heart-attack beams.
Can I donate to these beams?
I should start a go fund me to buy trump as many hamberders as he wants. Whenever he wants,
Or someone like Hillary. Remember all the stupid conspiracy theories about Scalia and how Hillary had him bumped off? LOL.
And they care about little d a whole lot more - I fully expect that if the failed game show host has the all-too-predictable health outcomes of his completely unhealthy lifestyle combined with his advanced age that they’ll fire up the Qtard nonsense machine.
no reason to make shit up, theres a literal heart attack gun some government agency made… linky
Or maybe a series of ministrokes.
I mean… if that happened, his followers would stage a coup under the pretense that he’ll come back to life or something. Not sure that’s better
They’re going to do that no matter what. Need to stop tiptoeing around this guy and deal with the fallout as it comes.
The GOP would never have Hunter testify in a trial against Joe right? Hello?
Aw, poor little d the failed game show host. Everyone is out to get him.
<sniff> <sniff> oohhh yeah, that’s some fear i smell right there
How do you differentiate it from his regular anal leakage?
The fear’s got some pressure behind it.
and this fear is gonna smell like a cat’s litter box that hasn’t been cleaned in about a month
Does this violate the gag order? Oh please oh please oh please!
Why would it matter? No judge has a spine to throw the book at this guy. He gets a totally different court system than the rest of us.
The fact that he is playing with all these privileges and advantages and is still losing is a glaring signal that all he did is way worse than what the courts have found. And he’s is way more incompetent, an actually smart sociopath in his place would’ve already conquered the world and gotten away with it. We are lucky he is this stupid and I hope he gets muzzled and jailed.
Many people want to put him back in the White House forever, and he now has a stacked court to support it. It’s not the world, but he is dangerously close to conquering this country.
Nope. I think the gag order only covers court staff, not the judge. To me this means Trump knows exactly where the line is. I hope the judge plays doesn’t react to any further violations until Trump’s in court again, then gigs him in person.
Greg would rate it a 5 bagger.